Epidendrum and Leptotes
EpidendrumThe genus Epidendrum is large and varied. Most plants have reed-like, compressed pseudobulbs with leaves distributed along the length of the pseudobulb at nodes. However, some have small, round pseudobulbs with one or more leaves. Generally the flowers are small. See individual species descriptions for growing information.
Epidendrum Species Orchids
- Epidendrum acunae
- Epidendrum albertii
- Epidendrum albifloroides
- Epidendrum alfaroi
- Epidendrum allochronum
- Epidendrum amblostomoides
- Epidendrum anceps
- Epidendrum anderssonii
- Epidendrum anisatum
- Epidendrum annabellae
- Epidendrum anoglossum
- Epidendrum ansiferum
- Epidendrum anthropophorum
- Epidendrum antonense
- Epidendrum apaganoides
- Epidendrum arbusculum
- Epidendrum ardens
- Epidendrum arevaloi
- Epidendrum armeniacum
- Epidendrum arnoldii
- Epidendrum atroscriptum
- Epidendrum avicula
- Epidendrum bambusiforme
- Epidendrum barbeyanum
- Epidendrum baumannianum
- Epidendrum bivalve
- Epidendrum blepharoclinium
- Epidendrum boricuarum
- Epidendrum brachycorymbosum
- Epidendrum bracteolatum
- Epidendrum bractiacuminatum
- Epidendrum calanthum
- Epidendrum campaccii
- Epidendrum campestre
- Epidendrum capricornu
- Epidendrum carchiense
- Epidendrum cardiochilum
- Epidendrum carolii
- Epidendrum catillus
- Epidendrum cernuum
- Epidendrum chloe
- Epidendrum chlorinum
- Epidendrum chlorops
- Epidendrum chogoncolonchense
- Epidendrum cinnabarinum
- Epidendrum cirrhochilum
- Epidendrum citrosmum
- Epidendrum clavatum
- Epidendrum clowesii
- Epidendrum cnemidophorum
- Epidendrum cochabambanum
- Epidendrum cogniauxianum
- Epidendrum compressibulbum
- Epidendrum compressum
- Epidendrum conopseum
- Epidendrum cooperianum
- Epidendrum coriifolium
- Epidendrum coronatum
- Epidendrum coryophorum
- Epidendrum costatum
- Epidendrum coxianum
- Epidendrum criniferum
- Epidendrum cristatum
- Epidendrum cylindrostachys
- Epidendrum dalstromii
- Epidendrum denticulatum
- Epidendrum dentilobum
- Epidendrum difforme
- Epidendrum diothonaeoides
- Epidendrum dixorum
- Epidendrum durangense
- Epidendrum eburneum
- Epidendrum elatum
- Epidendrum elongatum
- Epidendrum embreei
- Epidendrum erectifolium
- Epidendrum escobarianum
- Epidendrum eustirum
- Epidendrum excisum
- Epidendrum eximium
- Epidendrum ferrugineum
- Epidendrum fimbriatum
- Epidendrum flexuosum
- Epidendrum friderici-guilielmi
- Epidendrum frutex
- Epidendrum fulgens
- Epidendrum funckii
- Epidendrum garcia-esquivelii
- Epidendrum garciae
- Epidendrum gasteriferum
- Epidendrum gastropodium
- Epidendrum guerrerense
- Epidendrum haematanthum
- Epidendrum hartii
- Epidendrum hueycantenangense
- Epidendrum hugomedinae
- Epidendrum ibaguense
- Epidendrum ilense
- Epidendum imperator
- Epidendrum infaustum
- Epidendrum incomptum
- Epidendrum ionodesme
- Epidendrum jajense
- Epidendrum jamaicense
- Epidendrum jamiesonis
- Epidendrum janeirense
- Epidendrum jejunum
- Epidendrum johnstonii
- Epidendrum karwinskii
- Epidendrum lacustre
- Epidendrum lanipes
- Epidendrum latilabre
- Epidendrum laucheanum
- Epidendrum ledifolium
- Epidendrum litense
- Epidendrum lloense
- Epidendrum lockhartioides
- Epidendrum longicaule
- Epidendrum longiflorum
- Epidendrum longipetalum
- Epidendrum longirepens
- Epidendrum longispathum
- Epidendrum lowilliamsii
- Epidendrum macbridei
- Epidendrum macroclinium
- Epidendrum magdalenense
- Epidendrum magnificum
- Epidendrum marmoratum
- Epidendrum marsupiale
- Epidendrum medusae
- Epidendrum megagastrium
- Epidendrum megalospathum
- Epidendrum melanoporphyreum
- Epidendrum melistagum
- Epidendrum mininocturnum
- Epidendrum mirabile
- Epidendrum miserum
- Epidendrum moronense
- Epidendrum myodes
- Epidendrum nitens
- Epidendrum nicaraguensis
- Epidendrum nocturnum
- Epidendrum nutans
- Epidendrum obliquum
- Epidendrum orbiculatum
- Epidendrum oxyglossum
- Epidendrum oxysepalum
- Epidendrum pallidiflorum
- Epidendrum paniculatum
- Epidendrum pastoense
- Epidendrum peperomia
- Epidendrum peraltum
- Epidendrum pfavii
- Epidendrum physodes
- Epidendrum podocarpophilum
- Epidendrum polyanthum
- Epidendrum polyanthogastrium
- Epidendrum polygonatum
- Epidendrum porphyreum
- Epidendrum probiflorum
- Epidendrum proligerum
- Epidendrum propinquum
- Epidendrum pseudepidendrum
- Epidendrum pseudoanceps
- Epidendrum pseudohueycatenangense
- Epidendrum pseudonocturnum
- Epidendrum pugioniforme
- Epidendrum purum
- Epidendrum quinquepartitum
- Epidendrum quisayanum
- Epidendrum radicans
- Epidendrum radioferens
- Epidendrum raniferum
- Epidendrum renzii
- Epidendrum repens
- Epidendrum rhizomaniacum
- Epidendrum rigidum
- Epidendrum rondoniense
- Epidendrum rousseauae
- Epidendrum ruizianum
- Epidendrum saxatile
- Epidendrum schistochilum
- Epidendrum schlechterianum
- Epidendrum schomburgkii
- Epidendrum scriptum
- Epidendrum secundum
- Epidendrum selaginella
- Epidendrum serpens
- Epidendrum sobralioides
- Epidendrum sophronitoides
- Epidendrum spathatum
- Epidendrum stamfordianum
- Epidendrum storkii
- Epidendrum strobiliferum
- Epidendrum suavis
- Epidendrum trachysepalum
- Epidendrum trialatum
- Epidendrum tridactylum
- Epidendrum tridens
- Epidendrum tuxtlense
- Epidendrum uleinanodes
- Epidendrum umbellatum
- Epidendrum umbelliferum
- Epidendrum upanodifforme
- Epidendrum veroscriptum
- Epidendrum vesicatum
- Epidendrum villotae
- Epidendrum viridibrunneum
- Epidendrum volutum
- Epidendrum warrasii
- Epidendrum whittenii
- Epidendrum wrightii
- Epidendrum xanthinum
- Epidendrum yungasense
This small genus has five or six known species. They are found growing in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. The plants are small and stick-like in habit. Each pseudobulb has one narrow, long, fleshy leaf. Flowers are borne singly or in small clusters. The flowers are large compared to the size of the plant.
Leptotes grow best on cork mounts and produce attractive specimens fairly quickly (at least for an orchid). Plants need a little more shade than Cattleyas. Provide moderate humidity and water. Give the plants more water when they are in bloom and less when out of bloom. They do not need a true rest, just a modest reduction in watering.
Leptotes Species Orchids