Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum uleinanodes

Epidendrum uleinanodes

Common Name: Ule's Dwarf-like Epidendrum Orchid
Native to: Brazil to Peru. Epidendrum uleinanodes grows in wet mountainous forests up to 1850 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Miniature. Epidendrum uleinanodes has short stems covered in elliptical leaves.
Flower Size: 0.5 inches (1.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Epidendrum uleinanodes are produced in pairs on a short inflorescence. Flowers are large in proportion to the plant.
Bloom Season: Summer to Early Fall
Growing Temperature: Warm to Cool
Additional Information: Grow Epidendrum uleinanodes mounted on cork bark or tree fern fiber. Provide more water and fertilizer during warm months and keep the plant drier during the winter. This species is similar to Epidendrum schlechterianum but has a different color flower.
Synonyms: Epidendrum schizoclinandrium

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