Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum tuxtlense

Epidendrum tuxtlense

Common Name: Tuxtla Epidendrum
Native to: Mexico. Epidendrum tuxtlense is found growing in the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Vera Cruz. This species grows on trees in rain-forests and deciduous forests between 1300 and 1700 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Medium to Large. Epidendrum tuxtlense has tall, reed-like stems that have many leaves.
Flower Size: 0.33 inches (1 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Epidendrum tuxtlense are produced on a short, tightly packed flower stem that develops from the tip of mature stems. Unlike most other species, the flower stem produces flowers for several years. One growth can produce up to 32 blooms. Flowers are fragrant.
Bloom Season: Late Spring to Early Fall
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Epidendrum tuxtlense is named after the San Andres de Tuxtla region in the Mexican state of Vera Cruz. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern plaques or grow in a slatted basket. This species was first described to the scientific community in 1999 and is very similar to Epidendrum polyanthemum.
Synonyms: None.

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