Orchid Species Lists

Encyclia suaveolens - Sweet-smelling Encyclia

Encyclia suaveolens
Common Name: Sweet-smelling Encyclia

Native to: Mexico. Encyclia suaveolens grows on the Pacific Ocean side of the country in the Mexican states of Jalisco and Nayarit between 240 to 600 meters (800-2000 ft) in elevation. It's habitat is oak forests.

Plant Size: Small. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia suaveolens are round and have two oblong leaves.

Flower Size: size

Flower Description: The fragrant flowers have a citrus scent. Between three and twelve flowers are produced on a 4 inch long stem in the spring that barely extends above the leaves. The flower stalk may be unbranched or branched. Flowers emerge from a newly formed growth.

Bloom Season: Spring

Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm

Additional Information: This species was first described in the 1970's. Grow on wood or mounted on cork bark mounts. Typical Cattleya growing conditions are suitable for this species. Provide bright light.

Synonyms: None.

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