Orchid Species Lists

Encyclia stellata - Starry Alanje Encyclia

Encyclia stellata

Common Name: Starry Alanje Encyclia

Native to: Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, Columbia. Encyclia stellata has been found growing in dry or seasonally dry forests in Venezuela.

Plant Size: Medium. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia stellata are small and round and have two narrow leaves.

Flower Size: Small

Flower Description: The petals and sepals of Encyclia stellata are greenish-brown and the flowers have a white lip with few (if any) markings. Flowers are star-shaped.

Bloom Season: Late Winter to Early Spring

Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm.

Additional Information: This species is one of the few members of the genus Encyclia that are found in both Central America and South America. Encyclia stellata is not currently known to be in cultivation. It is related to Encyclia oncidioides.

Synonyms: Epidendum stellatum, Encyclia hunteriana, Epidendrum alanjense, Encyclia powellii, Encyclia alanjensis

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