Orchid Species Lists

Laelia flava

Laelia flava

Native to: Brazil. Laelia flava grows in the state of Minas Gerais near Serra do Piedade and Sierrado Frio between 800-1000 meters in elevation. Rupicolous.

Plant Size: Laelia flava is a variable species. Pseudobulbs grow to 10 cm tall and are strongly swollen at the base and tapered near the top. The stiff leaves grow to 15 cm long. The foliage is dark green and leathery with purplish colored underneath.

Flower Size: 2 to 2 1/2 inches

Flower Description: Laelia flava has brightly colored yellow, star-shaped flowers. Color ranges from yellow to pale yellow. Some individuals have small red spots near the base of the petals. The lip is frilly. The flower spike reaches 25 cm above the foliage and has 4 to 8 flowers near the tip.

Bloom Season: Spring and sometimes again in the Fall (repeat blooming). The main season is February to April with a secondary season in August to September.

Growing Temperature: Cool, Intermediate

Additional Information: Laelia flava needs a cool, dry winter rest period and an open, well-drained growing medium. Grow like other rupicolous laelia species. Provide very bright light and good air circulation.

Synonyms:  None

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