Orchid Species Lists

Laelia fidelensis

Laelia fidelensis

Native to: Brazil. Laelia fidelensis is found growing in the state of Rio de Janeiro in the Sao Fidelis mountains.
Plant Size: Small. Laelia fidelensis has laterally compressed pseudobulbs grow to 30 cm tall and have have one long, broad leaf at the top. New pseudobulbs grow 2-3 cm away from the last growth, so the plant tends to ramble a little. A short flower stalk bears two or more flowers.
Flower Size: 4 1/2 inches (12 cm)

Flower Description: Flowers of Laelia fidelensis are lavender-pink to rose in color with a white throat on the lip. The color is generally darker at the tips with pronounced veining. One to four flowers develop on each stem. Well formed flower with a unique appearance.
Bloom Season: Summer
Growing Temperature: Cool,Intermediate
Additional Information: Grow Laelia fidelensis like a Cattleya. Bright light and good air circulation are required. Grow on a raft, mounted or in a coarse fir bark mix. Prefers moderate to high humidity and prefers daily misting during hot summer days. Easy to grow.
Synonyms: Hadrolaelia fidelensis; Sophronitis fidelensis

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