Encyclia granitica
Common Name: Granite-inhabiting Encyclia
Native to: Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela. Encyclia granitica grows on rocky granite outcroppings in exposed environments.
Plant Size: Large. Encyclia granitica has widely spaced thin, narrow, upright pseudobulbs. There are two 1 foot (30 cm), broad leaves per growth.
Flower Size: Medium-Large. Well-grown plants can have flowers in excess of 1 inch (3 cm) in spread.
Flower Description: Encyclia granitica is well-known for its remarkably beautiful flowers. The petals and sepals are green and have olive-brown tessellation and spotting. The lip is white and has a purple blotch in the middle. The flower spike is almost 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall and bears up to 28 flowers. Flowers are fragrant.
Bloom Season: Summer
Growing Temperature: Warm to Cool
Additional Information: Encyclia granitica is a large species produces beautifully spotted flowers on tall flower spikes. Well-grown plants can become impressive specimens with multiple flower spikes blooming at once. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern. Being a rupicolous species, it may be able to be grown in pots with inorganic media like the rupicolous Laelia species. Provide standard Cattleya conditions with bright light.
Synonyms: Epidendrum affine, Epidendrum cnemidophorum, Encyclia affinis, Epidendrum fucatum, Epidendrum oncidioides, Epidendrum selligerum, Encyclia lunantha
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Orchid Species Lists
Encyclia gracilis - Graceful Encyclia
Encyclia gracilis
Native to: Turks and Caicos and the Bahamas. Encyclia gracilis grows on rocks or as a terrestrial plant near sea level close to the coast.
Plant Size: Medium. Encyclia gracilis has three or four leaves.
Flower Size: 3 inches (7.5 cm)
Synonyms: Epidendrum gracile; Epidendrum helleri; Doxosma gracilis
Common Name: Graceful Encyclia
Plant Size: Medium. Encyclia gracilis has three or four leaves.
Flower Size: 3 inches (7.5 cm)
Flower Description: The sweetly fragrant flowers of Encyclia gracilis are large and showy. The branched flower stem produces many flowers and grows up to 36 inches (100 cm) or more in height.
Bloom Season: Spring
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: This is another unique member of the genus from the Caribbean region. Encyclia gracilis is a graceful plant with attractive fragrant flowers and is sought after by some collectors. Provide warm growing conditions with bright light and adequate air circulation. Grow in well-drained pots and use a well drained organic or inorganic growing media (i.e. Aliflor). Do not over-water.
Synonyms: Epidendrum gracile; Epidendrum helleri; Doxosma gracilis
Encyclia goyazensis
Encyclia goyazensis
Common Name: Goias Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia goyazensis is native to gallery forests in the Brazilian region of Marzagao and Caldas Novas where they are found growing at 600 meters in elevation. They grow on trees.
Plant Size: Large. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia goyazensis are large and grow almost 4 inches (9 cm) tall. Each growth has two or three 2 foot (60 cm) long broad green leaves.
Flower Size: Medium.
Flower Description: The petals and sepals of Encyclia goyazensis are greenish brown and blunt at the tips. The lip is white suffused with rose or magenta with long, pointed olive green mid-lobes. The flower panicle produces between 20 and 25 flowers and stands over 3 feet (1 m) tall. The flowers have a slight fragrance.
Bloom Season: Spring (October and November in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate, Warm
Additional Information: This species is another recent botanical discovery. Little is known about the species and it is doubtful if it is available in the orchid trade. The plants are large and interesting and worthy of cultivation.
Synonyms: None.
Common Name: Goias Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia goyazensis is native to gallery forests in the Brazilian region of Marzagao and Caldas Novas where they are found growing at 600 meters in elevation. They grow on trees.
Plant Size: Large. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia goyazensis are large and grow almost 4 inches (9 cm) tall. Each growth has two or three 2 foot (60 cm) long broad green leaves.
Flower Size: Medium.
Flower Description: The petals and sepals of Encyclia goyazensis are greenish brown and blunt at the tips. The lip is white suffused with rose or magenta with long, pointed olive green mid-lobes. The flower panicle produces between 20 and 25 flowers and stands over 3 feet (1 m) tall. The flowers have a slight fragrance.
Bloom Season: Spring (October and November in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate, Warm
Additional Information: This species is another recent botanical discovery. Little is known about the species and it is doubtful if it is available in the orchid trade. The plants are large and interesting and worthy of cultivation.
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia gonzalezii
Encyclia gonzalezii
Common Name: Gonzalez's Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia gonzalezii is native to gallery forests in central Brazil. The first specimen was found growing outside of Brasilia City in the state of Goias. It grows on trees at approximately 1000 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Small. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia gonzalezii are upright, cylindrical, and small. There is one or two 8 inch (20 cm) leaves per growth. Leaves are narrow.
Flower Size: Small.
Flower Description: Encyclia gonzalezii has small flowers that are roughly star-shaped with blunt tips on the tan-green petals and sepals. The lip is whitish with purple veins. The flower spike is unbranched and grows about 1 foot (35 cm) tall and bears up to 7 flowers. Flowers are slightly fragrant.
Bloom Season: Fall, Winter
Growing Temperature: Intermediate.
Additional Information: This species was first described in 1991 in Orchid Digest. It is not common in cultivation but is attractive and would make a satisfactory specimen for an orchid collection. Like many other species, grow Encyclia gonzalezii mounted on cork bark or any other suitable mount and provide typical cattleya growing conditions.
Synonyms: None.
Common Name: Gonzalez's Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia gonzalezii is native to gallery forests in central Brazil. The first specimen was found growing outside of Brasilia City in the state of Goias. It grows on trees at approximately 1000 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Small. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia gonzalezii are upright, cylindrical, and small. There is one or two 8 inch (20 cm) leaves per growth. Leaves are narrow.
Flower Size: Small.
Flower Description: Encyclia gonzalezii has small flowers that are roughly star-shaped with blunt tips on the tan-green petals and sepals. The lip is whitish with purple veins. The flower spike is unbranched and grows about 1 foot (35 cm) tall and bears up to 7 flowers. Flowers are slightly fragrant.
Bloom Season: Fall, Winter
Growing Temperature: Intermediate.
Additional Information: This species was first described in 1991 in Orchid Digest. It is not common in cultivation but is attractive and would make a satisfactory specimen for an orchid collection. Like many other species, grow Encyclia gonzalezii mounted on cork bark or any other suitable mount and provide typical cattleya growing conditions.
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia garzonensis
Encyclia garzonensis
Common Name: Garzon Encyclia
Native to: Columbia. Encyclia garzonensis grows on trees. It was discovered by the side of a road west of Cali on the western slopes of Cordillera Oriente.
Plant Size: Small. Encyclia garzonensis has oval pseudobulbs with a few green leaves.
Flower Size: Medium.
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia garzonensis are light greenish-tan in color. The lip is white and has purple veins. Flowers are produced on a branched inflorescence. Flowers are widely spaced, not clustered at the tip.
Bloom Season: Spring. (August in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: This species was first described to science in the late 1990's and is not widely grown or known. Grow mounted on cork bark or other suitable substrate. Provide typical Cattleya growing conditions with adequate light, water, and air circulation.
Synonyms: None.
Common Name: Garzon Encyclia
Native to: Columbia. Encyclia garzonensis grows on trees. It was discovered by the side of a road west of Cali on the western slopes of Cordillera Oriente.
Plant Size: Small. Encyclia garzonensis has oval pseudobulbs with a few green leaves.
Flower Size: Medium.
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia garzonensis are light greenish-tan in color. The lip is white and has purple veins. Flowers are produced on a branched inflorescence. Flowers are widely spaced, not clustered at the tip.
Bloom Season: Spring. (August in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: This species was first described to science in the late 1990's and is not widely grown or known. Grow mounted on cork bark or other suitable substrate. Provide typical Cattleya growing conditions with adequate light, water, and air circulation.
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia gallopavina
Encyclia gallopavina
Common Name: Peacock Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. The first specimen was found growing on mimosa (Jacaranda mimosifolia) trees near Rio de Janeiro.
Plant Size: Small. Encyclia gallopavina has small, spherical pseudobulbs and a couple of upright or arching leaves that are 6 inches (15 cm) long.
Flower Size: Small.
Flower Description: The small flowers of this species are beautiful. Petals and sepals are green suffused with maroon or brown. The lip is flattened and white with a magenta central splotch. The flower spike is simple of slightly branched and grows to 2 feet (60 cm) in height and bears up to 15 flowers. Encyclia gallopavina has fragrant flowers that smell like tea.
Bloom Season: Spring. (August in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: This miniature species has beautiful flowers that stand well above the foliage and provide a fascinating floral display. Unfortunately, Encyclia gallopavina is not widely available. Grow mounted on cork and provide standard cattleya conditions.
Synonyms: Epidendrum gallopavinum, Epidendrum purpurachylum, Encyclia purpurachyla
Common Name: Peacock Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. The first specimen was found growing on mimosa (Jacaranda mimosifolia) trees near Rio de Janeiro.
Plant Size: Small. Encyclia gallopavina has small, spherical pseudobulbs and a couple of upright or arching leaves that are 6 inches (15 cm) long.
Flower Size: Small.
Flower Description: The small flowers of this species are beautiful. Petals and sepals are green suffused with maroon or brown. The lip is flattened and white with a magenta central splotch. The flower spike is simple of slightly branched and grows to 2 feet (60 cm) in height and bears up to 15 flowers. Encyclia gallopavina has fragrant flowers that smell like tea.
Bloom Season: Spring. (August in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: This miniature species has beautiful flowers that stand well above the foliage and provide a fascinating floral display. Unfortunately, Encyclia gallopavina is not widely available. Grow mounted on cork and provide standard cattleya conditions.
Synonyms: Epidendrum gallopavinum, Epidendrum purpurachylum, Encyclia purpurachyla
Encyclia fucata
Encyclia fucata
Common Name: Brown Veined Encyclia
Native to: Cuba, Bahamas, Hispanola.
Plant Size: Medium to Large
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia fucata are fragrant and smell of vanilla. The flower stem grows to 28 inches (70 cm) and bears up to 50 fragrant flowers.
Bloom Season: Summer to Early Fall
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: This sough-after species is popular with collectors due to its delicious vanilla fragrance. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern. Provide bright light and warmth.
Synonyms: Encyclia hircina; Epidendrum affine; Epidendrum fucatum; Epidendrum hircinum; Epidendrum obcordatum; Epidendrum polyanthum; Epidendrum sagraeanum
Common Name: Brown Veined Encyclia
Native to: Cuba, Bahamas, Hispanola.
Plant Size: Medium to Large
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia fucata are fragrant and smell of vanilla. The flower stem grows to 28 inches (70 cm) and bears up to 50 fragrant flowers.
Bloom Season: Summer to Early Fall
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: This sough-after species is popular with collectors due to its delicious vanilla fragrance. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern. Provide bright light and warmth.
Synonyms: Encyclia hircina; Epidendrum affine; Epidendrum fucatum; Epidendrum hircinum; Epidendrum obcordatum; Epidendrum polyanthum; Epidendrum sagraeanum
Encyclia fowliei
Encyclia fowliei
Common Name: Fowlie's Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia fowliei is found growing in the Brazilian state of Bahia where it grows near the top of trees. This species prefers coastal forests near the Atlantic coast.
Plant Size: Medium. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia fowliei are globose and grow to a little over an inch (3 cm) in diameter. One or two leaves are arched growing to 12 inches (30 cm). The entire plant is dark green with reddish undertones in the foliage, pseudobulbs, and leaves.
Flower Size: Large. The flowers have a 2 inch (5 cm) natural spread and are quite large for the genus.
Flower Description: Encyclia fowliei has unique yellowish-green petals and sepals that have pronounced red-brown veins and tessellation. Petals and sepals are spoon or paddle-shaped. The lip is small and flattened and white flushed with orchid and magenta. The 12 inch (30 cm) flower stem is dark and unbranched and bears.
Bloom Season: Spring. October and November in Brazil.
Growing Temperature: Intermediate. (Adaptable)
Additional Information: No other Encyclia species has flowers like this species.
Synonyms: Encyclia bahiensis, Epidendrum fowliei
Common Name: Fowlie's Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia fowliei is found growing in the Brazilian state of Bahia where it grows near the top of trees. This species prefers coastal forests near the Atlantic coast.
Plant Size: Medium. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia fowliei are globose and grow to a little over an inch (3 cm) in diameter. One or two leaves are arched growing to 12 inches (30 cm). The entire plant is dark green with reddish undertones in the foliage, pseudobulbs, and leaves.
Flower Size: Large. The flowers have a 2 inch (5 cm) natural spread and are quite large for the genus.
Flower Description: Encyclia fowliei has unique yellowish-green petals and sepals that have pronounced red-brown veins and tessellation. Petals and sepals are spoon or paddle-shaped. The lip is small and flattened and white flushed with orchid and magenta. The 12 inch (30 cm) flower stem is dark and unbranched and bears.
Bloom Season: Spring. October and November in Brazil.
Growing Temperature: Intermediate. (Adaptable)
Additional Information: No other Encyclia species has flowers like this species.
Synonyms: Encyclia bahiensis, Epidendrum fowliei
Encyclia flava
Encyclia flava
Common Name: Yellow-lipped Encyclia
Native to: Brazil and Venezuela. The original plant was collected near Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Plant Size: Medium. The leaves of Encyclia flava are long and narrow and grow to 12 inches (30 cm).
Flower Size: 1.5 inches (3.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia flava are yellowish and have pointed petals and sepals. There are raised veins running the length of the petals. The lip is lighter in color.
Bloom Season: Summer?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: This species reasonably attractive flowers and is a good candidate for orchid collections. Grow mounted on cork in in well-drained hanging baskets. Typical Cattleya conditions are acceptable.
Synonyms: Epidendrum flavum, Epidendrum tripartitum, Epidendrum mapuerae, Encyclia tripartita
Common Name: Yellow-lipped Encyclia
Native to: Brazil and Venezuela. The original plant was collected near Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Plant Size: Medium. The leaves of Encyclia flava are long and narrow and grow to 12 inches (30 cm).
Flower Size: 1.5 inches (3.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia flava are yellowish and have pointed petals and sepals. There are raised veins running the length of the petals. The lip is lighter in color.
Bloom Season: Summer?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: This species reasonably attractive flowers and is a good candidate for orchid collections. Grow mounted on cork in in well-drained hanging baskets. Typical Cattleya conditions are acceptable.
Synonyms: Epidendrum flavum, Epidendrum tripartitum, Epidendrum mapuerae, Encyclia tripartita
Encyclia flabellifera
Encyclia flabellifera
Common Name: Fan Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia flabellifera is found growing on trees in the Sao Paulo region.
Plant Size: Small to Medium.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flower is very similar to Encyclia ionosma. Flower stems are lax or drooping.
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: This plant is very similar to Encyclia ionosma. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern plaques. Provide bright light and warmth.
Synonyms: None. Some experts consider this to be a synonym for Encyclia ionosma.
Common Name: Fan Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia flabellifera is found growing on trees in the Sao Paulo region.
Plant Size: Small to Medium.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flower is very similar to Encyclia ionosma. Flower stems are lax or drooping.
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: This plant is very similar to Encyclia ionosma. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern plaques. Provide bright light and warmth.
Synonyms: None. Some experts consider this to be a synonym for Encyclia ionosma.
Encyclia expansa
Encyclia expansa
Common Name: Expanded Encyclia
Native to: Columbia. It grows on trees in the wild.
Plant Size: Medium.
Flower Size: Medium.
Flower Description: The obovate petals and sepals of Encyclia expansa are green and the lip is white with purple veins.
Bloom Season: Summer?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate.
Additional Information: Encyclia expansa is a little-known species.
Synonyms: Epidendrum expansum
Common Name: Expanded Encyclia
Native to: Columbia. It grows on trees in the wild.
Plant Size: Medium.
Flower Size: Medium.
Flower Description: The obovate petals and sepals of Encyclia expansa are green and the lip is white with purple veins.
Bloom Season: Summer?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate.
Additional Information: Encyclia expansa is a little-known species.
Synonyms: Epidendrum expansum
Encyclia ellegantula
Encyclia ellegantula
Common Name: Elegant Encyclia
Native to: place
Plant Size: size
Flower Size: size
Flower Description: description
Bloom Season: season
Growing Temperature: temp
Additional Information: Not much information is available for this species at the moment. It will be updated when I find more information.
Synonyms: Get names
Common Name: Elegant Encyclia
Native to: place
Plant Size: size
Flower Size: size
Flower Description: description
Bloom Season: season
Growing Temperature: temp
Additional Information: Not much information is available for this species at the moment. It will be updated when I find more information.
Synonyms: Get names
Encyclia duveenii
Encyclia duveenii
Common Names: Duveen's Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia duveenii was first discovered in the 1970's around Grao Mogol in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.
Plant Size: Medium. Encyclia duveenii has narrow, upright conical pseudobulbs that are 2 inches (5-6 cm) tall. The leaves grow 6 inches (15 cm) long and are rounded at the tip.
Flower Size: 1 or 2 inches (2.5-5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia duveenii has dark glossy brown flowers with reflexed petal and sepal and a striking magenta lip. The flower stem is tall (to 65 cm) and branched. It bears up to 20 flowers per branched scape. Each branch can have 5 flowers.
Bloom Season: Summer?
Growing Temperature: Warm, Intermediate
Additional Information: This species grows well under typical Cattleya orchid conditions. Grow Encyclia duveenii mounted on cork or tree fern or grow in slatted baskets. Provide ample water during periods of active growth and reduce water once the growth has hardened. One source reports success growing the plant in a hanging basket near the glass with osmunda as the
Common Names: Duveen's Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia duveenii was first discovered in the 1970's around Grao Mogol in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.
Plant Size: Medium. Encyclia duveenii has narrow, upright conical pseudobulbs that are 2 inches (5-6 cm) tall. The leaves grow 6 inches (15 cm) long and are rounded at the tip.
Flower Size: 1 or 2 inches (2.5-5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia duveenii has dark glossy brown flowers with reflexed petal and sepal and a striking magenta lip. The flower stem is tall (to 65 cm) and branched. It bears up to 20 flowers per branched scape. Each branch can have 5 flowers.
Bloom Season: Summer?
Growing Temperature: Warm, Intermediate
Additional Information: This species grows well under typical Cattleya orchid conditions. Grow Encyclia duveenii mounted on cork or tree fern or grow in slatted baskets. Provide ample water during periods of active growth and reduce water once the growth has hardened. One source reports success growing the plant in a hanging basket near the glass with osmunda as the
Encyclia edithiana
Encyclia edithiana
Common Name: Edith's Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia edithiana was discovered growing on trees in the Brazilian state of Amazonas.
Plant Size: Medium. Encyclia edithiana has pseudobulbs that grow to 3 inches (7 cm) tall and are half as wide. The leaves are 9 inches (23 cm) long and 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. Each growth has two leaves.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia edithiana are produced in great number on a 28 inch (70 cm) branched inflorescence. Individual flowers have yellowish-green spoon-shaped petals and sepals. The lip is white and heavily marked with rose veins. Fragrant.
Bloom Season: Summer. Encyclia edithiana blooms in September and October in Brazil (which is the spring season)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm.
Additional Information: Encyclia edithiana was described to the scientific community in 1996 and is not yet widespread in orchid collections. It is truly a beautiful plant and deserves to be grown more widely. Grow mounted on cork for provide standard Cattleya growing conditions.
Synonyms: None.
Common Name: Edith's Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia edithiana was discovered growing on trees in the Brazilian state of Amazonas.
Plant Size: Medium. Encyclia edithiana has pseudobulbs that grow to 3 inches (7 cm) tall and are half as wide. The leaves are 9 inches (23 cm) long and 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. Each growth has two leaves.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia edithiana are produced in great number on a 28 inch (70 cm) branched inflorescence. Individual flowers have yellowish-green spoon-shaped petals and sepals. The lip is white and heavily marked with rose veins. Fragrant.
Bloom Season: Summer. Encyclia edithiana blooms in September and October in Brazil (which is the spring season)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm.
Additional Information: Encyclia edithiana was described to the scientific community in 1996 and is not yet widespread in orchid collections. It is truly a beautiful plant and deserves to be grown more widely. Grow mounted on cork for provide standard Cattleya growing conditions.
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia dressleriana
Encyclia dressleriana
Common Name: Dressler's Encyclia
Native to: Mexico. Encyclia dressleriana is native to the Mexican state of Jalisco where it is found growing in palm-oak woodlands around 450 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Medium
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: description
Bloom Season: Spring
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: This species was recently discovered and to my knowledge has not been formally described in any scientific journal. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern or grow in a well-drained slatted basket. Provide warm Cattleya orchid growing conditions.
Synonyms: None
Common Name: Dressler's Encyclia
Native to: Mexico. Encyclia dressleriana is native to the Mexican state of Jalisco where it is found growing in palm-oak woodlands around 450 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Medium
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: description
Bloom Season: Spring
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: This species was recently discovered and to my knowledge has not been formally described in any scientific journal. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern or grow in a well-drained slatted basket. Provide warm Cattleya orchid growing conditions.
Synonyms: None
Encyclia diurna
Encyclia diurna
Common Names: Daytime Encyclia, Tall Encyclia
Native to: Colombia, Suriname, Venezuela. Encyclia diurna was first found growing on trees in hills north of Caracas, Venezuela.
Plant Size: Large. Encyclia diurna is one of the largest species in the genus. The narrow, upright pseudobulbs grow to 5 inches (10 cm) tall and have two or three leaves that reach 18 inches (50 cm). This species is handsome and looks robust.
Flower Size: 1 or 2 inches (2.5-5 cm)
Flower Description: Fragrant. The petals and sepals of Encyclia diurna are pale lime green and sometimes are tinged with maroon. The lip is white with maroon lines in the middle lobe. The flower panicle can grow to 6 feet (2 m) and have several 18 inch (50 cm) branches. Well-grown plants can produce impressively branched panicles that bear numerous flowers.
Bloom Season: Late Spring to Summer. It blooms during May and June in Venezuela.
Growing Temperature: Warm, Intermediate
Additional Information: This species is quite impressive when it is in flower because of the number of flowers produced. It is a vigorous grower and does well under cattleya growing conditions.
Synonyms: Limodorum diurnum, Cymbidium diurnum, Epidendrum diurnum, Cymbidium glandulosum, Epidendrum wagneri, Epidendrum diurnum, Encyclia wagerneri, Encyclia glandulosa, Encyclia virens, Encyclia remotiflora; Epidendrum glandulosum, Epidendrum ochranthum, Epidendrum ochricolor, Epidendrum remotiflorum
Encyclia diota
Encyclia diota
Common Name: Two-eared Encyclia
Native to: Mexico south to Nicaragua. Encyclia diota is adaptable and is found growing in many habitats including deciduous tropical forests and pine-oak woodland. It grows on trees, rocks, or as a terrestrial between 200 and 1800 meters.
Plant Size: Medium. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia diota are conical and somewhat wrinkled and bear one or two tongue-shaped leaves.
Flower Size: 0.75 inches (2 cm)
Flower Description: The flower stem develops on a mature pseudobulb and grows from 12 to 40 inches (30-100 cm) in height. Between 10 and 80 flowers grow on the branched flower stem and are well-displayed above the foliage. Fragrant.
Bloom Season: Spring
Growing Temperature: Warm to Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia diota is a very showy plant and is sought after by many collectors. Grow mounted on cork bark or tree fern or grow in a pot with a free-draining Cattleya orchid growing mix. Provide Cattleya growing conditions and good air circulation. This species is widespread and fairly adaptable in cultivation.
Synonyms: Encyclia diota subsp. diota; Encyclia insidiosa; Epidendrum diotum; Epidendrum insidiosum
Common Name: Two-eared Encyclia
Native to: Mexico south to Nicaragua. Encyclia diota is adaptable and is found growing in many habitats including deciduous tropical forests and pine-oak woodland. It grows on trees, rocks, or as a terrestrial between 200 and 1800 meters.
Plant Size: Medium. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia diota are conical and somewhat wrinkled and bear one or two tongue-shaped leaves.
Flower Size: 0.75 inches (2 cm)
Flower Description: The flower stem develops on a mature pseudobulb and grows from 12 to 40 inches (30-100 cm) in height. Between 10 and 80 flowers grow on the branched flower stem and are well-displayed above the foliage. Fragrant.
Bloom Season: Spring
Growing Temperature: Warm to Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia diota is a very showy plant and is sought after by many collectors. Grow mounted on cork bark or tree fern or grow in a pot with a free-draining Cattleya orchid growing mix. Provide Cattleya growing conditions and good air circulation. This species is widespread and fairly adaptable in cultivation.
Synonyms: Encyclia diota subsp. diota; Encyclia insidiosa; Epidendrum diotum; Epidendrum insidiosum
Encyclia dickinsoniana
Encyclia dickinsoniana
Common Name: Dickinson's Encyclia
Native to: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua. Encyclia dickinsoniana grows on trees and prefers low-elevation mountain forests.
Plant Size: Medium. The egg-shaped pseudobulbs produce two or three long, linear leaves.
Flower Size: 1 inch (3 cm)
Flower Description: Flowers bloom in spring on a 24 inch (60 cm) long inflorescence that is branched. Flower stems develop from mature pseudobulbs. Encyclia dickinsoniana has glistening flowers which is highly unusual in the genus Encyclia.
Bloom Season: Spring to Summer
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Encyclia dickinsoniana was named in honor of Mr. Dickinson who was an American orchid collector who was active in Mexico during the middle part of the 20th century. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern plaques or grow in a pot with good drainage. Provide warm Cattleya orchid growing conditions.
Synonyms: Epidendrum dickinsonianum
Common Name: Dickinson's Encyclia
Native to: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua. Encyclia dickinsoniana grows on trees and prefers low-elevation mountain forests.
Plant Size: Medium. The egg-shaped pseudobulbs produce two or three long, linear leaves.
Flower Size: 1 inch (3 cm)
Flower Description: Flowers bloom in spring on a 24 inch (60 cm) long inflorescence that is branched. Flower stems develop from mature pseudobulbs. Encyclia dickinsoniana has glistening flowers which is highly unusual in the genus Encyclia.
Bloom Season: Spring to Summer
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Encyclia dickinsoniana was named in honor of Mr. Dickinson who was an American orchid collector who was active in Mexico during the middle part of the 20th century. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern plaques or grow in a pot with good drainage. Provide warm Cattleya orchid growing conditions.
Synonyms: Epidendrum dickinsonianum
Encyclia dichroma
Encyclia dichroma
Native to: Brazil, Suriname. Encyclia dichroma grows on rocky outcroppings and low, scrubby brush in mountainous areas of Brazil.
Plant Size: Medium. The upright, narrow 4 inch (10 cm) tall pseudobulbs produce two or three upright, tongue-shaped leaves that grow to 12 inches (30 cm).
Flower Size: Up to 2 inches (5 cm). Many plants produce smaller flowers.
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia dichroma are quite striking and unique in their color. The flower color can be white, pink, or rosy red. The lip is darker in color than the petals and often has a white margin. Some plants produce branched inflorescence while others bear only two flowers on an unbranched flower stalk.
Bloom Season: Summer in cultivation (Spring in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia dichroma needs bright light, brighter than typical Cattleya conditions.
Synonyms: Epidendrum dichromum, Epidendrum brasiliense, Encyclia dichroma subsp. biflora, Epidendrum biflorum
Native to: Brazil, Suriname. Encyclia dichroma grows on rocky outcroppings and low, scrubby brush in mountainous areas of Brazil.
Plant Size: Medium. The upright, narrow 4 inch (10 cm) tall pseudobulbs produce two or three upright, tongue-shaped leaves that grow to 12 inches (30 cm).
Flower Size: Up to 2 inches (5 cm). Many plants produce smaller flowers.
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia dichroma are quite striking and unique in their color. The flower color can be white, pink, or rosy red. The lip is darker in color than the petals and often has a white margin. Some plants produce branched inflorescence while others bear only two flowers on an unbranched flower stalk.
Bloom Season: Summer in cultivation (Spring in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia dichroma needs bright light, brighter than typical Cattleya conditions.
Synonyms: Epidendrum dichromum, Epidendrum brasiliense, Encyclia dichroma subsp. biflora, Epidendrum biflorum
Encyclia davidhuntii
Encyclia davidhuntii
Common Name: David Hunt's Encyclia
Native to: Mexico.
Plant Size: Unknown
Flower Size: Unknown
Flower Description: Unknown
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Encyclia davidhuntii is named in honor of Mr. David Hunt who is an orchid importer and photographer. This species has very recently been described to science and I do not have much information to report at this time. This species will be updated when there is more information to post.
Synonyms: None.
Common Name: David Hunt's Encyclia
Native to: Mexico.
Plant Size: Unknown
Flower Size: Unknown
Flower Description: Unknown
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Encyclia davidhuntii is named in honor of Mr. David Hunt who is an orchid importer and photographer. This species has very recently been described to science and I do not have much information to report at this time. This species will be updated when there is more information to post.
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia cyperifolia
Encyclia cyperifolia
Common Name: Sword-leafed Encyclia
Native to: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador
Plant Size: Medium.
Flower Size: 2.5 inches (6 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia cyperifolia has beautiful, distinctive flowers that are a pleasing rosy-lilac with streaks of yellow. The lip is rose and yellow. The inflorescence is branched and grows to the same height as the foliage.
Bloom Season: Summer to Fall
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: Encyclia cyperifolia has unique, colorful flowers and is a very attractive addition to an orchid collection. Grow mounted on bark or tree fern plaques. Provide bright light, humidity and warmth. Provide lots of water and water-soluble fertilizer during periods of active growth and reduce watering during cooler weather.
Synonyms: Bletia ensiformis, Epidendrum microtos var. grandiflorum, Encyclia microtos var. grandiflora, Epidendrum cyperifolium, Encyclia ensiformis, Epidendrum ensiforme
Common Name: Sword-leafed Encyclia
Native to: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador
Plant Size: Medium.
Flower Size: 2.5 inches (6 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia cyperifolia has beautiful, distinctive flowers that are a pleasing rosy-lilac with streaks of yellow. The lip is rose and yellow. The inflorescence is branched and grows to the same height as the foliage.
Bloom Season: Summer to Fall
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: Encyclia cyperifolia has unique, colorful flowers and is a very attractive addition to an orchid collection. Grow mounted on bark or tree fern plaques. Provide bright light, humidity and warmth. Provide lots of water and water-soluble fertilizer during periods of active growth and reduce watering during cooler weather.
Synonyms: Bletia ensiformis, Epidendrum microtos var. grandiflorum, Encyclia microtos var. grandiflora, Epidendrum cyperifolium, Encyclia ensiformis, Epidendrum ensiforme
Encyclia cordigera
Encyclia cordigera
Common Name: Large-lipped Encyclia
Native to: Columbia and Venezuela north throughout Central America. Encyclia cordigera grows in dense scrub and tropical rain forests and is adaptable to many habitats. It usually is found between sea level and 900 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Medium. Encyclia cordigera has round, tightly clustered pseudobulbs that produce 3 long, narrow leaves.
Flower Size: 3 inches (7.5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia cordigera produces few to several flowers on a 24 inch (60 cm) inflorescence. The petals and sepals are olive-green or brown and the lip is broad and brightly colored. Lips range in color from magenta to purple to violet. There is an 'alba' form available with a green lip and a 'semi-alba' which is white with a colored lip. The flower spike often starts growing from mature pseudobulbs as soon as new growth begins.
Bloom Season: Winter to Spring
Growing Temperature: Warm, Intermediate
Additional Information: Like many other members of the Encyclia genus, grow mounted on cork or tree fern mounts or in well-drained slatted baskets. Easy to grow and widely available and sometimes used to create colorful and shapely hybrids. Keep on the dry side in the winter in order to prevent rot. Water and fertilize generously during periods of active growth. There are many cultivars and different color forms available from commercial orchid growers.
Synonyms: Cymbidium cordigerum; Encyclia atropurpurea var. leucantha; Encyclia atropurpurea var. rhodoglossa; Encyclia atropurpurea var.rosea; Encyclia cordigera var. rosea; Encyclia doeringii; Encyclia duboisiana; Encyclia macrochila; Epidendrum atropurpureum var. laciniatum; Epidendrum atropurpureum var. lionetianum; Epidendrum atropurpureum var. longilabre; Epidendrum atropurpureum var. roseum; Epidendrum cordigerum; Epidendrum doeringii; Epidendrum duboisianum; Epidendrum longipetalum; Epidendrum
Common Name: Large-lipped Encyclia
Native to: Columbia and Venezuela north throughout Central America. Encyclia cordigera grows in dense scrub and tropical rain forests and is adaptable to many habitats. It usually is found between sea level and 900 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Medium. Encyclia cordigera has round, tightly clustered pseudobulbs that produce 3 long, narrow leaves.
Flower Size: 3 inches (7.5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia cordigera produces few to several flowers on a 24 inch (60 cm) inflorescence. The petals and sepals are olive-green or brown and the lip is broad and brightly colored. Lips range in color from magenta to purple to violet. There is an 'alba' form available with a green lip and a 'semi-alba' which is white with a colored lip. The flower spike often starts growing from mature pseudobulbs as soon as new growth begins.
Bloom Season: Winter to Spring
Growing Temperature: Warm, Intermediate
Additional Information: Like many other members of the Encyclia genus, grow mounted on cork or tree fern mounts or in well-drained slatted baskets. Easy to grow and widely available and sometimes used to create colorful and shapely hybrids. Keep on the dry side in the winter in order to prevent rot. Water and fertilize generously during periods of active growth. There are many cultivars and different color forms available from commercial orchid growers.
Synonyms: Cymbidium cordigerum; Encyclia atropurpurea var. leucantha; Encyclia atropurpurea var. rhodoglossa; Encyclia atropurpurea var.rosea; Encyclia cordigera var. rosea; Encyclia doeringii; Encyclia duboisiana; Encyclia macrochila; Epidendrum atropurpureum var. laciniatum; Epidendrum atropurpureum var. lionetianum; Epidendrum atropurpureum var. longilabre; Epidendrum atropurpureum var. roseum; Epidendrum cordigerum; Epidendrum doeringii; Epidendrum duboisianum; Epidendrum longipetalum; Epidendrum
Encyclia confusa
Encyclia confusa
Common Name: Confusing Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. It has been found growing in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo
Plant Size: Small to Medium. Encyclia confusa has small, pear-shaped pseudobulbs that grow to 2 inches (6 cm) tall. Each growth produces two 12 inch (30 cm) leaves. The flower stalk grows to 18 inches (50 cm) tall and extends above the foliage.
Flower Size: Small. Flowers are about an inch wide.
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia confusa are tawny yellow with a wash of brown. The lip is white and the petals and sepals are narrow and pointed and have brown veins.
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia confusa was described to science in 1991. It was named the "Confusing Encyclia" because the botanist received two misnamed specimens at the same time and had to untangle the taxonomic mess. I assume that standard Cattleya conditions would be acceptable for this species.
Synonyms: None.
Common Name: Confusing Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. It has been found growing in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo
Plant Size: Small to Medium. Encyclia confusa has small, pear-shaped pseudobulbs that grow to 2 inches (6 cm) tall. Each growth produces two 12 inch (30 cm) leaves. The flower stalk grows to 18 inches (50 cm) tall and extends above the foliage.
Flower Size: Small. Flowers are about an inch wide.
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia confusa are tawny yellow with a wash of brown. The lip is white and the petals and sepals are narrow and pointed and have brown veins.
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia confusa was described to science in 1991. It was named the "Confusing Encyclia" because the botanist received two misnamed specimens at the same time and had to untangle the taxonomic mess. I assume that standard Cattleya conditions would be acceptable for this species.
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia conchaechila
Encyclia conchaechila
Common Name: Shell-lipped Encyclia
Native to: Brazil, Guyana, Peru, Paraguay, Venezuela. Encyclia conchaechila is wide-spread in South America and grows on trees.
Plant Size: Small to Medium. Encyclia conchaechila has small, pear-shaped pseudobulbs with two narrow, erect leaves.
Flower Size: Small. Flowers are about an inch wide.
Flower Description: The flowers are recognized by a distinctive shell-shaped lip. Petals and sepals are narrow and pointed. Encyclia conchaechila blooms on a branched flower stalk. The flowers do not extend beyond the foliage.
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia conchaechila is widespread in its native habitat. Grow mounted on cork and provide Cattleya light, humidity and air circulation.
Synonyms: Epidendrum conchaechilium, Epidendrum linearfoloides, Encyclia bicornuta, Encyclia amicta subsp. conchaechilia, Epidendrum bicornutum
Common Name: Shell-lipped Encyclia
Native to: Brazil, Guyana, Peru, Paraguay, Venezuela. Encyclia conchaechila is wide-spread in South America and grows on trees.
Plant Size: Small to Medium. Encyclia conchaechila has small, pear-shaped pseudobulbs with two narrow, erect leaves.
Flower Size: Small. Flowers are about an inch wide.
Flower Description: The flowers are recognized by a distinctive shell-shaped lip. Petals and sepals are narrow and pointed. Encyclia conchaechila blooms on a branched flower stalk. The flowers do not extend beyond the foliage.
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia conchaechila is widespread in its native habitat. Grow mounted on cork and provide Cattleya light, humidity and air circulation.
Synonyms: Epidendrum conchaechilium, Epidendrum linearfoloides, Encyclia bicornuta, Encyclia amicta subsp. conchaechilia, Epidendrum bicornutum
Encyclia chloroleuca
Encyclia chloroleuca
Common Name: Green and White Encyclia
Native to: Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela. Encyclia chloroleuca is wide-spread in South America and grows on trees.
Plant Size: Small
Flower Size: 1.25 inches (3.1 cm)
Flower Description: Fragrant. The flowers of Encyclia chloroleuca are bright green and like just like the common name suggests. The petals and sepals are obovate with a pointed apex. The lip is white with a purple central vein. Flowers do not have any fragrance. The flower stalk stands above the foliage (12 inches or 30 cm) and bears between 3 and 8 flowers.
Bloom Season: Late Summer to Fall
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Encyclia chloroleuca is widespread and adaptable. Grow mounted or in well-drained pots and provide standard Cattleya growing conditions. Bright light and average humidity is acceptable. Some individuals may have fragrant flowers, but the majority are lacking in fragrance.
Synonyms: Epidendrum chloroleucum, Epidendrum chloranthum, Epidendrum chloroleucum var. fuscoluteum, Encyclia thienii, Epidendrum viridiflava
Common Name: Green and White Encyclia
Native to: Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela. Encyclia chloroleuca is wide-spread in South America and grows on trees.
Plant Size: Small
Flower Size: 1.25 inches (3.1 cm)
Flower Description: Fragrant. The flowers of Encyclia chloroleuca are bright green and like just like the common name suggests. The petals and sepals are obovate with a pointed apex. The lip is white with a purple central vein. Flowers do not have any fragrance. The flower stalk stands above the foliage (12 inches or 30 cm) and bears between 3 and 8 flowers.
Bloom Season: Late Summer to Fall
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Encyclia chloroleuca is widespread and adaptable. Grow mounted or in well-drained pots and provide standard Cattleya growing conditions. Bright light and average humidity is acceptable. Some individuals may have fragrant flowers, but the majority are lacking in fragrance.
Synonyms: Epidendrum chloroleucum, Epidendrum chloranthum, Epidendrum chloroleucum var. fuscoluteum, Encyclia thienii, Epidendrum viridiflava
Encyclia chiapasensis
Encyclia chiapasensis
Common Name: Chiapas Encyclia Orchid
Native to: Mexico. Encyclia chiapasensis seems to be endemic to the Mexican state of Chiapas where it grows on trees around 950 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Small to Medium
Flower Size: Small
Flower Description: This species is unique because the branched flower stem has the ability to re-bloom for many years.
Bloom Season: Spring-Summer?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: This species was discovered in the 1990s in Chiapas, Mexico. It is clearly distinct from any other Encyclia species. Grow mounted on cork and grow under standard Cattleya conditions.
Synonyms: None.
Common Name: Chiapas Encyclia Orchid
Native to: Mexico. Encyclia chiapasensis seems to be endemic to the Mexican state of Chiapas where it grows on trees around 950 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Small to Medium
Flower Size: Small
Flower Description: This species is unique because the branched flower stem has the ability to re-bloom for many years.
Bloom Season: Spring-Summer?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: This species was discovered in the 1990s in Chiapas, Mexico. It is clearly distinct from any other Encyclia species. Grow mounted on cork and grow under standard Cattleya conditions.
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia chapadensis
Encyclia chapadensis
Common Name: Chapada dos Viadeiros Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia chapadensis is near extinction due to habitat destruction. It has been found near Alto Paraiso in the Brazilian state of Goias where it grows on rocks as a lithophyte.
Plant Size: Small. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia chapadensis are 3 inches (7 cm) tall and 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. Each growth produces two or three thick leaves that grow 4 inches (10 cm) long and 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. The unbranched flower stalks can reach to 3 feet (1 m) in height and stand well above the foliage.
Flower Size: Large for the genus.
Flower Description: Encyclia chapadensis has fragrant flowers. The petals and sepals are an attractive shade of reddish-brown and the lip is rose-colored with purple veins. The flower stem is tall and produces between 7 and 15 flowers.
Bloom Season: Late Winter to Early Spring
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia chapadensis grows well mounted. It is very rare and its natural habitat has been greatly reduced due to road construction. Provide bright light and good air circulation to prevent the foliage from burning. The relatively large flower size, attractive flowers, and fragrance make this a good candidate for collecting.
Synonyms: None.
Common Name: Chapada dos Viadeiros Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia chapadensis is near extinction due to habitat destruction. It has been found near Alto Paraiso in the Brazilian state of Goias where it grows on rocks as a lithophyte.
Plant Size: Small. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia chapadensis are 3 inches (7 cm) tall and 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. Each growth produces two or three thick leaves that grow 4 inches (10 cm) long and 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. The unbranched flower stalks can reach to 3 feet (1 m) in height and stand well above the foliage.
Flower Size: Large for the genus.
Flower Description: Encyclia chapadensis has fragrant flowers. The petals and sepals are an attractive shade of reddish-brown and the lip is rose-colored with purple veins. The flower stem is tall and produces between 7 and 15 flowers.
Bloom Season: Late Winter to Early Spring
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia chapadensis grows well mounted. It is very rare and its natural habitat has been greatly reduced due to road construction. Provide bright light and good air circulation to prevent the foliage from burning. The relatively large flower size, attractive flowers, and fragrance make this a good candidate for collecting.
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia ceratistes
Encyclia ceratistes
Common Name: Horned-Columned Encyclia
Native to: Central America and Brazil, Columbia, and Venezuela. It is found growing in wet oak forests from 330 to 1600 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Large. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia ceratistes are pear-shaped and have from one to four fleshy leaves.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia ceratistes have clear yellow-green petals and sepals and are star-shaped. The lip is white with purple veins. The column is dark and has projections on the cap that look like cow horns. The flower stem is long and arching and grows from 2 to 5 feet (60-150 cm) in length. Lots of flowers occur on the heavily branched stem that emerges from freshly matured growths.
Bloom Season: Spring to Fall
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Grow Encyclia ceratistes mounted on cork plaques or in a well-drained slatted basket.
Synonyms: Epidendrum ceratistes, Epidendrum ramonense, Encyclia ramonensis, Epidendrum oncidioides var. ramonense, Encyclia oncidioides var. ramonensis; Encyclia oncidioides var. ramonense; Encyclia ramonensis; Epidendrum ceratistes; Epidendrum oncidioides var. ramonense; Encyclia peraltensis; Epidendrum peraltense; Epidendrum ramonense
Common Name: Horned-Columned Encyclia
Native to: Central America and Brazil, Columbia, and Venezuela. It is found growing in wet oak forests from 330 to 1600 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Large. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia ceratistes are pear-shaped and have from one to four fleshy leaves.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia ceratistes have clear yellow-green petals and sepals and are star-shaped. The lip is white with purple veins. The column is dark and has projections on the cap that look like cow horns. The flower stem is long and arching and grows from 2 to 5 feet (60-150 cm) in length. Lots of flowers occur on the heavily branched stem that emerges from freshly matured growths.
Bloom Season: Spring to Fall
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Grow Encyclia ceratistes mounted on cork plaques or in a well-drained slatted basket.
Synonyms: Epidendrum ceratistes, Epidendrum ramonense, Encyclia ramonensis, Epidendrum oncidioides var. ramonense, Encyclia oncidioides var. ramonensis; Encyclia oncidioides var. ramonense; Encyclia ramonensis; Epidendrum ceratistes; Epidendrum oncidioides var. ramonense; Encyclia peraltensis; Epidendrum peraltense; Epidendrum ramonense
Encyclia caximboensis
Encyclia caximboensis
Common Name: Caximbo Hill Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia caximboensis is found growing near Caximbo Hill in Para, Brazil on a military base. It grows on rocks.
Plant Size: Medium. Fragrant. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia caximboensis grow from 1 to 3 inches tall and 1 to 2 inches wide. There are between one and tree leathery leaves that are between 5 and 9 inches (13-22 cm) long. The leaves are upright and feel like leather.
Flower Size: Small
Flower Description: The petals of Encyclia caximboensis are greenish and have brown veins. The lip is white and has purple veins across the entire surface. The stem grows up to 18 inches (50 cm) tall and bears up to 9 flowers.
Bloom Season: Winter to Spring
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Grow this species mounted on cork, in slatted baskets, or in clay pots with inorganic media (like Aliflor). Let plants dry between watering and provide air circulation.
Synonyms: None.
Common Name: Caximbo Hill Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia caximboensis is found growing near Caximbo Hill in Para, Brazil on a military base. It grows on rocks.
Plant Size: Medium. Fragrant. The pseudobulbs of Encyclia caximboensis grow from 1 to 3 inches tall and 1 to 2 inches wide. There are between one and tree leathery leaves that are between 5 and 9 inches (13-22 cm) long. The leaves are upright and feel like leather.
Flower Size: Small
Flower Description: The petals of Encyclia caximboensis are greenish and have brown veins. The lip is white and has purple veins across the entire surface. The stem grows up to 18 inches (50 cm) tall and bears up to 9 flowers.
Bloom Season: Winter to Spring
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Grow this species mounted on cork, in slatted baskets, or in clay pots with inorganic media (like Aliflor). Let plants dry between watering and provide air circulation.
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia cardimii
Encyclia cardimii
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia cardimii was discovered by Arturo Ferreria de Mellow near Motes Claros in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. It was found growing on rocks in mountainous terrain in central Brazil.
Plant Size: Medium. The pseudobulbs are tall and narrow (up to 8 cm tall) and the leaves grow to 8 inches (20 cm) long. Leaves are almost 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide.
Flower Size: About 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia cardimii has yellow-brown petals and sepals. The lip is white with magenta veins.
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia cardimii seems to be lost to cultivation at the moment. The flower is different than many other rupicolous Encyclia species and should be rediscovered and distributed to the orchid growing community for preservation.
Synonyms: Encyclia oncidioides
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia cardimii was discovered by Arturo Ferreria de Mellow near Motes Claros in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. It was found growing on rocks in mountainous terrain in central Brazil.
Plant Size: Medium. The pseudobulbs are tall and narrow (up to 8 cm tall) and the leaves grow to 8 inches (20 cm) long. Leaves are almost 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide.
Flower Size: About 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia cardimii has yellow-brown petals and sepals. The lip is white with magenta veins.
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia cardimii seems to be lost to cultivation at the moment. The flower is different than many other rupicolous Encyclia species and should be rediscovered and distributed to the orchid growing community for preservation.
Synonyms: Encyclia oncidioides
Encyclia calamaria
Encyclia calamaria
Small plant grows well mounted on tree branches or cork plaques.
Flower is cream with maroon striations.
Wild-grown plant creeps along branches.
Encyclia candollei
Encyclia candollei
Common Name: Candole's Encyclia
Native to: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala. Encyclia candollei grows on oak trees in mountainous forests between 500 and 1500 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Medium to large. The tightly clustered round pseudobulbs have two or three oblong, tongue-shaped leaves.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Mature pseudobulbs of Encyclia candollei produce a tall flower stem that cares between 2 and 8 flowers on a 36 inch (1 m) stem. The flowers are displayed high above the leaves and have a mild fragrance.
Bloom Season: Spring to Summer
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Grow this species mounted on cork bark, tree fern, or driftwood. Cattleya orchid conditions are acceptable. Allow plants to dry between waterings and reduce water during the winter months to encourage dormancy and prevent root rot.
Synonyms: Encyclia flabellata; Encyclia laxa; Epidendrum candollei; Epidendrum cepiforme; Epidendrum flabellatum; Epidendrum laxum
Common Name: Candole's Encyclia
Native to: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala. Encyclia candollei grows on oak trees in mountainous forests between 500 and 1500 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Medium to large. The tightly clustered round pseudobulbs have two or three oblong, tongue-shaped leaves.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Mature pseudobulbs of Encyclia candollei produce a tall flower stem that cares between 2 and 8 flowers on a 36 inch (1 m) stem. The flowers are displayed high above the leaves and have a mild fragrance.
Bloom Season: Spring to Summer
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Grow this species mounted on cork bark, tree fern, or driftwood. Cattleya orchid conditions are acceptable. Allow plants to dry between waterings and reduce water during the winter months to encourage dormancy and prevent root rot.
Synonyms: Encyclia flabellata; Encyclia laxa; Epidendrum candollei; Epidendrum cepiforme; Epidendrum flabellatum; Epidendrum laxum
Encyclia burle-marxii
Encyclia burle-marxii
Native to: Encyclia burle-marxii was discovered by the famous Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle-Marx. It was found growing on rocks near Baixo Guandu in the Brazilian State of Epirito Santo in the mountains.
Plant Size: Small to Medium. Encyclia burle-marxii has oval pseudobulbs that grow to 2 inches (5 cm) in height. There are three leaves per growth that are stiff and oblong and grow to 10 inches (25 cm)
Flower Size: About 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia burle-marxii has pale apple-green petals and sepals that are washed with brown. There is a prominent light green banding at the margins. The lip is white or greenish white and has several violet or magenta veins clustered in the center. The flower spike grows about 12 inches (30 cm) tall and bears up to 20 flowers that open in succession.
Bloom Season: Spring
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia burle-marxii is best grown mounted or grown in baskets slatted baskets with excellent drainage. Let the plants dry a little between watering. This species is seldom seen in collections. It was discovered by Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle-Marx who discovered the plant growing on one of his expeditions into the wild landscape of Brazil.
Synonyms: None.
Native to: Encyclia burle-marxii was discovered by the famous Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle-Marx. It was found growing on rocks near Baixo Guandu in the Brazilian State of Epirito Santo in the mountains.
Plant Size: Small to Medium. Encyclia burle-marxii has oval pseudobulbs that grow to 2 inches (5 cm) in height. There are three leaves per growth that are stiff and oblong and grow to 10 inches (25 cm)
Flower Size: About 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia burle-marxii has pale apple-green petals and sepals that are washed with brown. There is a prominent light green banding at the margins. The lip is white or greenish white and has several violet or magenta veins clustered in the center. The flower spike grows about 12 inches (30 cm) tall and bears up to 20 flowers that open in succession.
Bloom Season: Spring
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia burle-marxii is best grown mounted or grown in baskets slatted baskets with excellent drainage. Let the plants dry a little between watering. This species is seldom seen in collections. It was discovered by Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle-Marx who discovered the plant growing on one of his expeditions into the wild landscape of Brazil.
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia buchtienii
Encyclia buchtienii
Common Name: Buchtien's Encyclia Orchid
Native to: Peru. Encyclia buchtienii if found in the Peruvian state of Cajamarca where it is found growing around 900 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Large. This species has tall cylindrical pseudobulbs and two or three leathery leaves.
Flower Size: Small.
Flower Description: Several small flowers are widely spaced on a 40 inch (1 m) unbranched flower stem.
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: Encyclia buchtienii is similar to Encyclia ambigua and Encyclia tachychila. Grow mounted on cork or in slatted baskets. Cattleya growing conditions are adequate. The species was named in honor of Mr. Buchtien who was a prominent orchid collector in 20th century.
Synonyms: None.
Common Name: Buchtien's Encyclia Orchid
Native to: Peru. Encyclia buchtienii if found in the Peruvian state of Cajamarca where it is found growing around 900 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Large. This species has tall cylindrical pseudobulbs and two or three leathery leaves.
Flower Size: Small.
Flower Description: Several small flowers are widely spaced on a 40 inch (1 m) unbranched flower stem.
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: Encyclia buchtienii is similar to Encyclia ambigua and Encyclia tachychila. Grow mounted on cork or in slatted baskets. Cattleya growing conditions are adequate. The species was named in honor of Mr. Buchtien who was a prominent orchid collector in 20th century.
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia bragancae
Encyclia bragancae
Native to: Encyclia bragancae is native to Brazil. It was found growing in Parque Nacional do Caparao where it was found growing on trees at 2200 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Small to Medium. Encyclia bragancae has small, tightly clustered pseudobulbs that have two strongly channeled leaves. The flower stem extends beyond the leaves.
Flower Size: Less than 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia bragancae has fragrant flowers. The petals and sepals are yellow-green in color and obovate in shape and the apex is pointed. The lip is very distinctive and frilly and pink.
Bloom Season: Winter
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia bragancae Is best grown mounted or grown in baskets slatted baskets with excellent drainage. Let the plants dry a little between watering and maintain moderate to high humidity. Air circulation will reduce the chance of root rot. This species was named in honor of an imperial Brazilian family.
Synonyms: Encyclia xuxaensis, Encyclia xuxiana
Native to: Encyclia bragancae is native to Brazil. It was found growing in Parque Nacional do Caparao where it was found growing on trees at 2200 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Small to Medium. Encyclia bragancae has small, tightly clustered pseudobulbs that have two strongly channeled leaves. The flower stem extends beyond the leaves.
Flower Size: Less than 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia bragancae has fragrant flowers. The petals and sepals are yellow-green in color and obovate in shape and the apex is pointed. The lip is very distinctive and frilly and pink.
Bloom Season: Winter
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia bragancae Is best grown mounted or grown in baskets slatted baskets with excellent drainage. Let the plants dry a little between watering and maintain moderate to high humidity. Air circulation will reduce the chance of root rot. This species was named in honor of an imperial Brazilian family.
Synonyms: Encyclia xuxaensis, Encyclia xuxiana
Encyclia bradfordii
Encyclia bradfordii
Native to: Trinidad, Tobago, Venezuela. Encyclia bradfordii is found growing on the islands of Trinidad and Tobago as well as the coastal mountains of Venezuela.
Plant Size: Medium. Encyclia bradfordii has medium-sized egg-shaped pseudobulbs that are tightly clustered. Each pseudobulb has two wide leaves with blunt, rounded tips. The plant grows to 25 cm tall. The flower stalk extends two to three times beyond the foliage.
Flower Size: Less than 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia bradfordii has a tall, branched inflorescence that produces numerous flowers. The flowers have narrow, pointed petals and sepals that are apple green in color. The lip is greenish-white and broader. Some flowers pollinate themselves before they open.
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia bradfordii Can be grown mounted, in baskets or in pots provided there is excellent drainage. Let the plants dry a little between watering and maintain moderate to high humidity. Air circulation will reduce the chance of root rot. This species has attractive (if small) star-shaped flowers. Its only drawback is the tendency for some individuals to self-pollinate before they open.
Synonyms: Epidendrum bradfordii
Native to: Trinidad, Tobago, Venezuela. Encyclia bradfordii is found growing on the islands of Trinidad and Tobago as well as the coastal mountains of Venezuela.
Plant Size: Medium. Encyclia bradfordii has medium-sized egg-shaped pseudobulbs that are tightly clustered. Each pseudobulb has two wide leaves with blunt, rounded tips. The plant grows to 25 cm tall. The flower stalk extends two to three times beyond the foliage.
Flower Size: Less than 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia bradfordii has a tall, branched inflorescence that produces numerous flowers. The flowers have narrow, pointed petals and sepals that are apple green in color. The lip is greenish-white and broader. Some flowers pollinate themselves before they open.
Bloom Season: Spring?
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia bradfordii Can be grown mounted, in baskets or in pots provided there is excellent drainage. Let the plants dry a little between watering and maintain moderate to high humidity. Air circulation will reduce the chance of root rot. This species has attractive (if small) star-shaped flowers. Its only drawback is the tendency for some individuals to self-pollinate before they open.
Synonyms: Epidendrum bradfordii
Encyclia bractescens
Encyclia bractescens
Common Name: Bractescent Encyclia Orchid
Native to: Mexico, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Encyclia bractescens grows on trees in humid tropical forests up to 1200 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Small. The pseudobulbs are tightly clustered and have two shiny, tongue-shaped leaves.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Flowers are produced on a simple or lightly branched inflorescence that grows to 15 inches (38 cm) in height. The flowers are long-lasting and fragrant.
Bloom Season: Late Winter to Early Spring.
Growing Temperature: Warm to Intermediate.
Additional Information: Encyclia bractescens is easy to grow and rewarding for the hobbyist. Grow under standard cattleya orchid temperatures or warmer. They can grow well in pots with coarse fir bark or mounted on cork or tree fern slabs. Let them dry out between waterings.
Synonyms: Encyclia acicularis; Epidendrum aciculare; Epidendrum bractescens; Epidendrum esculentum; Epidendrum linearifolium
Encyclia bracteata
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia bracteata is found growing in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo in forests near the Atlantic coast.
Plant Size: Small. Encyclia bracteata has small pseudobulbs and one narrow, fleshy leaf.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: The petals and sepals of Encyclia bracteata are molted green and brown with green edges. The lip is bright magenta and contrasts nicely with the petals. One flower per growth is typical but well-grown plants can produce up to three flowers on one stem.
Bloom Season: Late Summer to Early Fall in cultivation (October in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia bracteata is best grown mounted on cork or grown in a slatted basket. It is easy to grow and produces attractive flowers.
Synonyms: Epidendrum bracteatum, Epidendrum pusillum, Epidendrum pabstii, Encyclia hoehnei, Prosthechea hoehnei
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia bracteata is found growing in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo in forests near the Atlantic coast.
Plant Size: Small. Encyclia bracteata has small pseudobulbs and one narrow, fleshy leaf.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: The petals and sepals of Encyclia bracteata are molted green and brown with green edges. The lip is bright magenta and contrasts nicely with the petals. One flower per growth is typical but well-grown plants can produce up to three flowers on one stem.
Bloom Season: Late Summer to Early Fall in cultivation (October in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Encyclia bracteata is best grown mounted on cork or grown in a slatted basket. It is easy to grow and produces attractive flowers.
Synonyms: Epidendrum bracteatum, Epidendrum pusillum, Epidendrum pabstii, Encyclia hoehnei, Prosthechea hoehnei
Encyclia bohnkiana
Encyclia bohnkiana
Common Name: Bohnk's Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia bohnkiana is found growing in the Brazilian state of Bahia.
Plant Size: Medium
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: description
Bloom Season: Summer?
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Mount on cork or tree fern and let dry between watering.
Synonyms: None.
Common Name: Bohnk's Encyclia
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia bohnkiana is found growing in the Brazilian state of Bahia.
Plant Size: Medium
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: description
Bloom Season: Summer?
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Mount on cork or tree fern and let dry between watering.
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia auyantepuiensis
Encyclia auyantepuiensis
Native to: Venezuela. Encyclia auyantepuiensis is found growing only on one mountain in Venezuela. It grows mainly on rocks and occasionally on trees in its native environment.
Plant Size: Medium
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia auyantepuiensis has star-shaped flowers that are widely spaced along the flower stem. The flower color is purple-brown with greenish-brown edges. The lip is white or greenish with purple veins.
Bloom Season: Summer
Growing Temperature: Cool to Warm
Additional Information: This species is rare and seldom cultivated but deserves more attention by devoted orchid hobbyists. Grow under standard cattleya conditions. It probably grows best mounted on cork or grown in an inert media (like Aliflor) like rupicolous laelias.
Synonyms: None.
Native to: Venezuela. Encyclia auyantepuiensis is found growing only on one mountain in Venezuela. It grows mainly on rocks and occasionally on trees in its native environment.
Plant Size: Medium
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Encyclia auyantepuiensis has star-shaped flowers that are widely spaced along the flower stem. The flower color is purple-brown with greenish-brown edges. The lip is white or greenish with purple veins.
Bloom Season: Summer
Growing Temperature: Cool to Warm
Additional Information: This species is rare and seldom cultivated but deserves more attention by devoted orchid hobbyists. Grow under standard cattleya conditions. It probably grows best mounted on cork or grown in an inert media (like Aliflor) like rupicolous laelias.
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia atrorubens
Encyclia atrorubens
Common Name: Dark Red Encyclia Orchid
Native to: Mexico. It is found growing between 1100 and 1200 meters in elevation in oak forests in the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Guerrero.
Plant Size: Medium. Encyclia atrorubens has round pseudobulbs that have two narrow leaves.
Flower Size: 1.5 inches (3.75 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers are dark, rudy red and similar (if not the same as) Encyclia diota. The plant produces a tall (1 meter) branched flower stem with many flowers.
Bloom Season: Summer
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: This may be the same as Encyclia diota. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern or in pots with a coarse growing media. Typical Cattleya conditions are acceptable for this species.
Synonyms: Encyclia diota subsp. atrorubens, Epidendrum atrorubens
Common Name: Dark Red Encyclia Orchid
Native to: Mexico. It is found growing between 1100 and 1200 meters in elevation in oak forests in the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Guerrero.
Plant Size: Medium. Encyclia atrorubens has round pseudobulbs that have two narrow leaves.
Flower Size: 1.5 inches (3.75 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers are dark, rudy red and similar (if not the same as) Encyclia diota. The plant produces a tall (1 meter) branched flower stem with many flowers.
Bloom Season: Summer
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: This may be the same as Encyclia diota. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern or in pots with a coarse growing media. Typical Cattleya conditions are acceptable for this species.
Synonyms: Encyclia diota subsp. atrorubens, Epidendrum atrorubens
Encyclia aspera
Encyclia aspera
Common Name: Rough-stalked Encyclia
Native to: Encyclia aspera is native to Columbia, Peru, and Ecuador where it grows in the Andes mountains. The species is locally common in some regions of coastal Ecuador.
Plant Size: Medium to Large. The plants have two 12 inch (30 cm) long leaves.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flower stem of Encyclia aspera is tall and is two or three times taller than the foliage. The flower petals and sepals are pointed and ocher or dull-yellow in color and are widely spaced on the stem. Each branch has 5 to 7 flowers. The lip is white or greenish-yellow and there are between 5 and 7 purple veins present. Encyclia aspera has a raspberry or cherry fragrance. The flower stalk has a rough texture.
Bloom Season: Late Winter to Spring
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: This species has fairly large flowers for the genus and is easy to grow. Encyclia aspera is best grown mounted on cork bark. Cattleya light and growing conditions are acceptable. Mounted specimens need high humidity for best growth and flowering.
Synonyms: Epidendrum asperum, Encyclia trachypus, Encyclia asperirachis, Epidendrum asperirarchis
Common Name: Rough-stalked Encyclia
Native to: Encyclia aspera is native to Columbia, Peru, and Ecuador where it grows in the Andes mountains. The species is locally common in some regions of coastal Ecuador.
Plant Size: Medium to Large. The plants have two 12 inch (30 cm) long leaves.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flower stem of Encyclia aspera is tall and is two or three times taller than the foliage. The flower petals and sepals are pointed and ocher or dull-yellow in color and are widely spaced on the stem. Each branch has 5 to 7 flowers. The lip is white or greenish-yellow and there are between 5 and 7 purple veins present. Encyclia aspera has a raspberry or cherry fragrance. The flower stalk has a rough texture.
Bloom Season: Late Winter to Spring
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: This species has fairly large flowers for the genus and is easy to grow. Encyclia aspera is best grown mounted on cork bark. Cattleya light and growing conditions are acceptable. Mounted specimens need high humidity for best growth and flowering.
Synonyms: Epidendrum asperum, Encyclia trachypus, Encyclia asperirachis, Epidendrum asperirarchis
Encyclia argentinensis
Encyclia argentinensis
Native to: Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina. Encyclia argentinensis is found growing on trees in bright light at low elevation.
Plant Size: Large. The pear-shaped pseudobulbs have a few long, narrow leaves that grow to 30 or 40 cm long.
Flower Size: Medium (bigger than most Encyclia flowers)
Flower Description: Encyclia argentinensis has dull yellow-green petals and sepals and a greenish-cream colored lip. Sometimes the lip, petals, and sepals have maroon veins. The inflorescence is branched and is about the same height as the leaves.
Bloom Season: Summer
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm.
Additional Information: Encyclia argentinensis is a vigorous grower and blooms well in cultivation. The flowers are large for the genus and the plant makes for an interesting addition to an orchid collection. In the past, Encyclia argentinensis was confused with Encyclia oncidioides but the two species are not closely related.
Synonyms: Epidendrum argentinense, Encyclia saltensis, Epidendrum oncidioids var. gravidum, Epidendrum gravidum, Encyclia gravida
Native to: Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina. Encyclia argentinensis is found growing on trees in bright light at low elevation.
Plant Size: Large. The pear-shaped pseudobulbs have a few long, narrow leaves that grow to 30 or 40 cm long.
Flower Size: Medium (bigger than most Encyclia flowers)
Flower Description: Encyclia argentinensis has dull yellow-green petals and sepals and a greenish-cream colored lip. Sometimes the lip, petals, and sepals have maroon veins. The inflorescence is branched and is about the same height as the leaves.
Bloom Season: Summer
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm.
Additional Information: Encyclia argentinensis is a vigorous grower and blooms well in cultivation. The flowers are large for the genus and the plant makes for an interesting addition to an orchid collection. In the past, Encyclia argentinensis was confused with Encyclia oncidioides but the two species are not closely related.
Synonyms: Epidendrum argentinense, Encyclia saltensis, Epidendrum oncidioids var. gravidum, Epidendrum gravidum, Encyclia gravida
Encyclia angustiloba
Encyclia angustiloba
Native to: Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru. Encyclia angustiloba is native the Andes in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru. It grows in dry thorn forests where it is sometimes found growing on cactus.
Plant Size: Medium. The leaves are narrow and grow to 10 inches (25 cm) in length. Plants that are exposed to bright sun take on a reddish coloration. Each pseudobulb has one or two leaves.
Flower Size: Small.
Flower Description: The attractive panicle is upright, branched, and has the flowers clustered at the tip. The petals and sepals are reddish-brown and the lip is white which contrasts nicely with the petals.
Bloom Season: Fall (October in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: Provide Encyclia angustiloba with bright light and standard Cattleya growing conditions. Grow mounted or in slatted baskets. Keep on the dry side.
Synonyms: Encyclia mapiriensis, Epidendrum strobelii, Epidendrum angustilobum, Epidendrum guentherianum, Encyclia mapiriensis
Native to: Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru. Encyclia angustiloba is native the Andes in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru. It grows in dry thorn forests where it is sometimes found growing on cactus.
Plant Size: Medium. The leaves are narrow and grow to 10 inches (25 cm) in length. Plants that are exposed to bright sun take on a reddish coloration. Each pseudobulb has one or two leaves.
Flower Size: Small.
Flower Description: The attractive panicle is upright, branched, and has the flowers clustered at the tip. The petals and sepals are reddish-brown and the lip is white which contrasts nicely with the petals.
Bloom Season: Fall (October in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: Provide Encyclia angustiloba with bright light and standard Cattleya growing conditions. Grow mounted or in slatted baskets. Keep on the dry side.
Synonyms: Encyclia mapiriensis, Epidendrum strobelii, Epidendrum angustilobum, Epidendrum guentherianum, Encyclia mapiriensis
Encyclia andrichii
Encyclia andrichii
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia andrichii is native to the state of Espirito Santo in Brazil. It is found growing on trees at approximately 200 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Large. The leaves are 0.75 inches (2 cm) wide and 10 inches (25 cm) long and dark green.
Flower Size: Small.
Flower Description: The flower stalk grows up to three feet (100 cm) and has 15 to 20 flowers. The flowers of Encyclia andrichii are tawny brown or greenish brown and darker at the tips. The lip is white with flushes of rose coloration and veins. Flowers are mildly fragrant.
Bloom Season: Fall (October in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: Little is known about the cultivation of Encyclia andrichii. It was first discovered outside the city of Sao Joao de Petropolis and described to science in 1992 (See Orchid Digest 56(3) for more information).
Synonyms: None.
Native to: Brazil. Encyclia andrichii is native to the state of Espirito Santo in Brazil. It is found growing on trees at approximately 200 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Large. The leaves are 0.75 inches (2 cm) wide and 10 inches (25 cm) long and dark green.
Flower Size: Small.
Flower Description: The flower stalk grows up to three feet (100 cm) and has 15 to 20 flowers. The flowers of Encyclia andrichii are tawny brown or greenish brown and darker at the tips. The lip is white with flushes of rose coloration and veins. Flowers are mildly fragrant.
Bloom Season: Fall (October in Brazil)
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm
Additional Information: Little is known about the cultivation of Encyclia andrichii. It was first discovered outside the city of Sao Joao de Petropolis and described to science in 1992 (See Orchid Digest 56(3) for more information).
Synonyms: None.
Encyclia amicta
Encyclia amicta
Native to: Encyclia amicta is native to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela. It is widespread and common.
Plant Size: Medium. The foliage is long and narrow and grows to 10 inches (24 cm) tall.
Flower Size: 1.25 inches (3 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia amicta are green or tan in color and have a pink flush on the petals and sepals. The flower segments are pointed. The lip is similar in color to the petals. The anther cap is dark maroon which is unusual for the genus Encyclia. The flower stem just barely stands above the foliage and has 8 or more flowers.
Bloom Season: Summer
Growing Temperature: Cool to Warm.
Additional Information: Encyclia amicta is adaptable and grows well under Cattleya conditions. It prefers to be mounted on cork or tree fern plaques or grown in slatted baskets. Well-grown plants can produce striking, award-winning specimens.
Synonyms: Epidendrum amictum, Epidendrum linearfolioides, Encyclia linearfolioides, Epidendrum amicta
Native to: Encyclia amicta is native to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela. It is widespread and common.
Plant Size: Medium. The foliage is long and narrow and grows to 10 inches (24 cm) tall.
Flower Size: 1.25 inches (3 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia amicta are green or tan in color and have a pink flush on the petals and sepals. The flower segments are pointed. The lip is similar in color to the petals. The anther cap is dark maroon which is unusual for the genus Encyclia. The flower stem just barely stands above the foliage and has 8 or more flowers.
Bloom Season: Summer
Growing Temperature: Cool to Warm.
Additional Information: Encyclia amicta is adaptable and grows well under Cattleya conditions. It prefers to be mounted on cork or tree fern plaques or grown in slatted baskets. Well-grown plants can produce striking, award-winning specimens.
Synonyms: Epidendrum amictum, Epidendrum linearfolioides, Encyclia linearfolioides, Epidendrum amicta