Orchid Species Lists

Encyclia diurna

Encyclia diurna

Common Names: Daytime Encyclia, Tall Encyclia

Native to: Colombia, Suriname, Venezuela. Encyclia diurna was first found growing on trees in hills north of Caracas, Venezuela.

Plant Size: Large. Encyclia diurna is one of the largest species in the genus. The narrow, upright pseudobulbs grow to 5 inches (10 cm) tall and have two or three leaves that reach 18 inches (50 cm). This species is handsome and looks robust.

Flower Size: 1 or 2 inches (2.5-5 cm)

Flower Description: Fragrant. The petals and sepals of Encyclia diurna are pale lime green and sometimes are tinged with maroon. The lip is white with maroon lines in the middle lobe. The flower panicle can grow to 6 feet (2 m) and have several 18 inch (50 cm) branches. Well-grown plants can produce impressively branched panicles that bear numerous flowers.

Bloom Season: Late Spring to Summer. It blooms during May and June in Venezuela.

Growing Temperature: Warm, Intermediate

Additional Information: This species is quite impressive when it is in flower because of the number of flowers produced. It is a vigorous grower and does well under cattleya growing conditions.

Synonyms: Limodorum diurnum, Cymbidium diurnum, Epidendrum diurnum, Cymbidium glandulosum, Epidendrum wagneri, Epidendrum diurnum, Encyclia wagerneri, Encyclia glandulosa, Encyclia virens, Encyclia remotiflora; Epidendrum glandulosum, Epidendrum ochranthum, Epidendrum ochricolor, Epidendrum remotiflorum

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