Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum secundum

Epidendrum secundum

Common Name: Flowers in One Plane Epidendrum Orchid
Native to: Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Epidendrum secundum grows as a terrestrial plant between 600 and 3200 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Large. Epidendrum secundum has upright, leafy, reed-like stems.
Flower Size: 0.5 inches (1 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Epidendrum secundum are variable in color and there are white, yellow, and rose color forms available. Flowers develop on terminal inflorescence that form on mature stems. There are many flowers clustered near the tip of the flower stem and the flowers bloom over a long period of time.
Bloom Season: Anytime of the year.
Growing Temperature: Warm to Cool
Additional Information: The common name is derived from the way that the flowers are arranged on the inflorescence. Grow in a well-drained pot with terrestrial orchid mix. Keep moist throughout the year. Easy to grow and adaptable. Large plants are impressive in bloom but take up a great deal of space. Some growers in mild climates grow the plants outside in the garden.
Synonyms: Amphiglottis corymbosa, Amphiglottis lacera, Amphiglottis secunda, Amphiglottis secunda, Encyclia pulcherrima, Epidendrum antioquiense, Epidendrum brachyphyllum, Epidendrum bulkeleyi, Epidendrum cochlidium, Epidendrum coroicoense, Epidendrum crassifolium, Epidendrum crassifolium var. albescens, Epidendrum cuzcoense, Epidendrum dichotomum, Epidendrum dolichopus, Epidendrum ellipticum, Epidendrum elongatum, Epidendrum evectum, Epidendrum expansum, Epidendrum fastigiatum, Epidendrum fimbria, Epidendrum giroudianum, Epidendrum gracilicaule, Epidendrum herzogii, Epidendrum incisum, Epidendrum inconstans, Epidendrum juruaense, Epidendrum lacerum, Epidendrum lindenii, Epidendrum longihastatum, Epidendrum novogranatense, Epidendrum pachyphyllum, Epidendrum polyschistum, Epidendrum pulcherrimum, Epidendrum secundum f. albescens, Epidendrum secundum var. albescens, Epidendrum sulfuratorium, Epidendrum tarmense, Epidendrum tricallosum, Epidendrum versicolor, Prosthechea pulcherrima

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