Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum schomburgkii

Epidendrum schomburgkii

Common Name: Schomburgk's Epidendrum
Native to: Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador and the rest of northern South America. Epidendrum schomburgkii grows as a terrestrial plant between 200 and 2000 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Large. The reed-like leafy stems of Epidendrum schomburgkii grow to more than 1 meter (40 inches) in height. The leaves are leathery.
Flower Size: 1.5 inches (4 cm)
Flower Description: Epidendrum schomburgkii produces flowers on terminal inflorescence. Many flowers bloom over a long period of time.
Bloom Season: Fall to Early Winter
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Jay Pfahl reports that "it is easy to grow in wood slat baskets filled with fen rock and OFE Special #2 and with long 4 wire hooks to support the 4 ft stems". Epidendrum schomburgkii is named after the Schomburgk brothers who were German explorers.
Synonyms: Epidendrum ibaguense, Epidendrum incisum, Epidendrum macrocarpum, Epidendrum splendens

1 comment:

  1. Wikipedia lists this as an epiphyte rather than a terrestrial. Which is correct?
