Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum ruizianum

Epidendrum ruizianum

Common Name: Ruiz's Epidendrum
Native to: Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Epidendrum ruizianum grows on trees or as a terrestrial plant in cool forests. It grows on steep, rocky slopes where it is exposed to the elements from 1200 to 3000 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Large. Epidendrum ruizianum has reed-like stems that have many leaves.
Flower Size: 0.75 inches (2 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Epidendrum ruizianum are produced on a 6 inch (15 cm) terminal flower stem that has many flowers clustered at the tip. The flower stem can be branched. Flowers are fragrant and open over a long period of time.
Bloom Season: Late Summer to Winter (August to March in its native habitat).
Growing Temperature: Cool
Additional Information: Epidendrum ruizianum was named in honor of Dr. Ruiz who was a highly regarded botanist from the 18th century. Do not confuse this species with Encyclia nutans which is unique. Grow in pots with terrestrial orchid mix or mount on cork bark. Provide cool growing conditions and bright light.
Synonyms: Epidendrum dipus, Epidendrum nutans, Epidendrum spathaceum

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