Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum paniculatum

Epidendrum paniculatum

Common Name: Paniculate Epidendrum Orchid
Native to: Tropical America. Epidendrum paniculatum is widespread and grows on trees or as a terrestrial plant in damp tropical forests of all types from sea level to 2100 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Large. Epidendrum paniculatum has tall, upright stems that have many thin leaves that have a purplish-green coloration.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Epidendrum paniculatum are produced on a long, arching branched inflorescence that develops from the tip of mature stems. The flowers open over an extended period of time. Fragrant.
Bloom Season: Summer. It may bloom other times of the year but summer is the main blooming season.
Growing Temperature: Cool to Warm
Additional Information: Epidendrum paniculatum was first discovered in 1798. As with any widespread species, it has numerous synonyms. Grow in pots with terrestrial orchid mix and provide even moisture and fertilizer. This species adapts to many growing temperatures and is fairly easy to grow.
Synonyms: Epidendrum atacazoicum, Epidendrum bifalce, Epidendrum brachythyrsus, Epidendrum caloglossum, Epidendrum densiflorum, Epidendrum englerianum, Epidendrum falsiloquum, Epidendrum floribundum, Epidendrum frons-bovis, Epidendrum hondurense, Epidendrum humidicolum, Epidendrum isthmi, Epidendrum laeve, Epidendrum longicrure, Epidendrum macroceras, Epidendrum ornatum, Epidendrum paniculatum var. longicrure, Epidendrum piliferum, Epidendrum reflexum, Epidendrum resectum, Epidendrum rubrocinctum, Epidendrum syringaeflorum, Epidendrum turialvae

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