Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum magnificum

Epidendrum magnificum

Common Name: Magnificent Epidendrum
Native to: Mexico. Epidendrum magnificum grows on trees and rocks in cloud forests between 1800 and 2600 meters in elevation in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
Plant Size: Medium to Large. Epidendrum magnificum has reed-like stems that have a few narrow leaves. The stems branch from intermediate nodes.
Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Flower Description: Flowers of Epidendrum magnificum are born in great number and form on a terminal inflorescence. All the flowers open at about the same time.
Bloom Season: Winter, Spring
Growing Temperature: Warm to Cool
Additional Information: Grow Epidendrum magnificum mounted on cork or grow in a slatted wood basket. Plants get large with age. Provide Cattleya orchid growing conditions. This species was first discovered in 1918.
Synonyms: Epidendrum sylvettei

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