Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum litense

Epidendrum litense

Common Name: Lita Epidendrum
Native to: Ecuador. Epidendrum litense grows on trees in mountainous rain forests close to the Columbian border. It is found growing between 640 and 800 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Small. Epidendrum litense has reed-like stems that have up to six leaves. Stems develop branched as the plant grows older and larger.
Flower Size: 1.25 inches (4 cm)
Flower Description: Epidendrum litense produces several flowers on unbranched flower stems. The flower stems will produce flowers for many years.
Bloom Season: Spring
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Epidendrum litense is named after the town of Lita which is close to the location where the first specimen was collected.
Synonyms: None.

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