Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum latilabre

Epidendrum latilabre

Common Name: Broad-lipped Epidendrum
Native to: Brazil, French Guiana, Peru. Epidendrum latilabre grows on low tree branched in mountain rain forests. It is found growing between 650 and 850 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Small. Epidendrum latilabre has upright, tapered green stems that are reed-like in appearance.
Flower Size: 2 inches (5 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers have narrow segments and a broad, fringed lip. Overall, Epidendrum latilabre is quite similar in appearance to Epidendrum difforme. Four to seven flowers bloom on a short flower stem that is formed at the top of maturing stems.
Bloom Season: Winter to early Spring
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Epidendrum latilabre prefers warm growing conditions. Grow mounted on a cork bark slab and provide water and fertilizer throughout the year. This species was first discovered in 1841.
Synonyms: Amphiglottis latilabra, Epidendrum latilabrum, Neolehmannia latilabris

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