Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum eximium

Epidendrum eximium

Common Name: Outstanding Epidendrum
Native to: Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala. Epidendrum eximium grows on trees in oak-pine cloud forests between 2300 to 2800 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Medium. The erect stems of Epidendrum eximium are reed-like and have many leaves.
Flower Size: 1.5 inches (4 cm)
Flower Description: Flowers of Epidendrum eximium are pale and have an unpleasant scent at night. Flowers are few to several flowers are produced on a terminal flower stem that develops on mature growths.
Bloom Season: Winter to Spring
Growing Temperature: Cool
Additional Information: Epidendrum eximium needs cool, humid growing conditions to truly thrive. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern or grow in a slatted wood basket or pot. Provide even water and fertilizer.
Synonyms: Epidendrum amesianum

Epidendrum excisum

Epidendrum excisum

Common Name: Cut Epidendrum
Native to: Venezuela south to Bolivia. Epidendrum excisum grows on trees or rocks on brushy slopes between 1800 and 4150 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Large. Epidendrum excisum has upright, leafy reed-like stems.
Flower Size: 1 inch (3 cm)
Flower Description: Lots of flowers are produced on an eleven inch long (28 cm) branched flower stem that develops on mature stems.
Bloom Season: Blooms anytime of the year.
Growing Temperature: Cool
Additional Information: Epidendrum excisum is another large, reed-stem species that prefers cool, moist growing conditions. Grow mounted on cork bark or tree fern or grow in a pot with excellent drainage. Provide water and fertilizer throughout the year. Attractive.
Synonyms: Epidendrum excisum var. grandiflorum

Epidendrum eustirum

Epidendrum eustirum

Native to: Mexico south to Nicaragua. Epidendrum eustirum grows in hot and humid tropical forests from sea level to 1000 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Medium. Epidendrum eustirum has thin, upright stems with several purple-tinted leaves.
Flower Size: Small
Flower Description: Several to many flowers bloom on a short bloom stem that develops at the top of mature growths during the winter.
Bloom Season: Winter
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Grow Epidendrum eustirum mounted on cork bark or tree fern plaques and provide frequent, even moisture. Unusual and uncommon.
Synonyms: Epidendrum carinatum

Epidendrum escobarianum

Epidendrum escobarianum

Common Name: Escobar's Epidendrum
Native to: Columbia. Epidendrum escobarianum grows in warm forests on tree branches pendently.
Plant Size: Small
Flower Size: size
Flower Description: Epidendrum escobarianum produces one or two flowers on each flower stem.
Bloom Season: Late Summer
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Epidendrum escobarianum was first described to science in 1967. Grow this pendant species mounted on cork bark or tree fern plaques. Give it warm, moist growing conditions with fertilizer year-round.
Synonyms: None.

Epidendrum erectifolium

Epidendrum erectifolium

Common Name: Erect-leaf Epidendrum
Native to: Mexico. Epidendrum erectifolium is native to the Mexican state of Chiapas where it is found growing between 1000 and 1600 meters in elevation. It grows on tree branches.
Plant Size: Small. Epidendrum erectifolium has upright reed-like stems with up to eight leaves.
Flower Size: 1.25 inches (3 cm)
Flower Description: Flowers stems are produced at the tip of maturing growths. Up to eleven flowers bloom at the same time. Fragrant.
Bloom Season: Winter to Spring
Growing Temperature: Cool to Warm
Additional Information: Epidendrum erectifolium is an attractive species from Mexico that has fragrant flower. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern or grow in a slatted basket. Provide even moisture and fertilizer.
Synonyms: None

Epidendrum embreei

Epidendrum embreei

Common Name: Embre's Epidendrum
Native to: Ecuador. Epidendrum embreei is a subtropical species that grows in humid, mountainous forests from 2000 to 2800 meters in elevation. It can grow on trees or as a terrestrial on rocky hillsides.
Plant Size: Medium. Epidendrum embreei has upright or leaning stems that have a cane-like appearance.
Flower Size: 0.5 inches (1.25 cm)
Flower Description: Many flowers are produced on a branched flower stem that grow to 8 inches (20 cm) in height.
Bloom Season: Epidendrum embreei can bloom anytime of the year.
Growing Temperature: Cool
Additional Information: Epidendrum embreei was named after Mr. Embre who was an American collector of orchid species in the late 20th century. Grow mounted on cork or in well-drained pots. Provide cool, humid growing conditions and even moisture.
Synonyms: None.

Epidendrum elongatum - Elongated-lip Epidendrum

Epidendrum elongatum

Common Name: Elongated-lip Epidendrum
Native to: South America and the Lesser Antilles islands. Epidendrum elongatum grows on trees or as a terrestrial orchid from 600 to 1750 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Medium. Epidendrum elongatum has long stems that have a few leaves near the top.
Flower Size: 1.25 inches (3.75 cm)
Flower Description: Flowers are produced a 24 inch (60 cm) long arching inflorescence. Many flowers bloom on a simple or branched inflorescence.
Bloom Season: Spring to Summer
Growing Temperature: Warm to Intermediate
Additional Information: Epidendrum elongatum is widespread and adaptable. Grow mounted on cork bark or tree fern or grow in a slatted basket or pot with coarse growing media. Provide water and fertilizer throughout the year. Some authorities classify this species as a synonym of Epidendrum secundum.
Synonyms: Epidendrum secundum?

Epidendrum elatum - Large Epidendrum

Epidendrum elatum

Common Name: Large Epidendrum
Native to: Peru. Epidendrum elatum grows as a terrestrial orchid in cool, moist mountain habitats. It is found growing high in the mountains around 3000 meters in elevation.
Plant Size: Large. Epidendrum elatum certainly lives up to its common name. The plant has tall stems (about 1 m) that have a few elliptical leaves.
Flower Size: size
Flower Description: Flowers are green and have a fleshy texture. Epidendrum elatum produces arching flower stems from the tip of maturing growths.
Bloom Season: Fall
Growing Temperature: Cool
Additional Information: Epidendrum elatum has tall stems and green flowers. This is one of the common roadside "weeds" from the western Andes mountains. Grow in a pot with a quality terrestrial orchid potting mix. Provide cool temperatures and even moisture and nutrition.
Synonyms: None.

Epidendrum eburneum - Ivory-colored Epidendrum

Epidendrum eburneum

Common Name: Ivory-colored Epidendrum
Native to: Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama. Epidendrum eburneum grows on tree trunks on large trees in hot, tropical forests between sea level and 500 meters.
Plant Size: Large. Epidendrum eburneum has large canes that have a few leaves near the top. The plant resembles Epidendrum nocturnum but has different floral characteristics.
Flower Size: 2.25 inches (6 cm)
Flower Description: Flowers are ivory-colored and have thin petals and sepals. The axilary flower stems produce up to six flowers. Fragrant.
Bloom Season: Late Fall to Winter
Growing Temperature: Warm
Additional Information: Epidendrum eburneum grows well mounted on cork bark or grown in slatted baskets. The plants get large and need space to develop into impressive specimens. Enjoy the fragrance in the evenings. Provide ample water and heat.
Synonyms: Epidendrum leucocardium