Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum dentilobum - Toothed-lip Epidendrum

Epidendrum dentilobum

Common Name: Toothed-lip Epidendrum

Native to: Panama, Columbia, French Guiana, Guyana, and Northern Brazil. Epidendrum dentilobum grows on trees in hot, humid tropical rain forests near sea level.

Plant Size: Medium. The stems are upright and slender and have many thick, leathery leaves.

Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)

Flower Description: Flowers are produced on a short 2 inch (5 cm) terminal inflorescence. Each stem produces a few, waxy flowers.

Bloom Season: Late Winter to Summer

Growing Temperature: Warm

Additional Information: Grow Epidendrum dentilobum mounted on cork bark or in a well-drained pot with coarse open media. Keep on the warm side and provide even water and fertilizer throughout the year.

Synonyms: None.

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