Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum cristatum - Comb Epidendrum

Epidendrum cristatum

Epidendrum cristatum

Common Name: Comb Epidendrum
Native to: Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Brazil and other parts of northern South America, Trinidad. Epidendrum cristatum grows on trees in tropical rain forests and piney woods below 2000 meters in elevation. Occasionally, Epidendrum cristatum grows as a terrestrial orchid on rocky slopes with good drainage. The species is widespread and adapts to many environments.
Plant Size: Large. Epidendrum cristatum produces tall, slender, leafy reed-like stems that grow to 36 inches (1 m) in height.
Flower Size: 2 inches (5 cm)
Flower Description: Flowers are produced on a 24 inch (60 cm) long, arching flower stem. Many large, fragrant flowers are produced and all the flowers open about the same time.
Bloom Season: Late Winter to Summer
Growing Temperature: Warm to Cool
Additional Information: Epidendrum cristatum is a vigorous grower and adapts easily to cultivation. Grow mounted on a substantial tree branch in warm gardens or grow in large, well-drained pots in a coarse, open growing media. This species need even, regular water and applications of liquid fertilizer throughout the year.
Synonyms: Epidendrum alexandri, Epidendrum bathyschistum, Epidendrum calliferum, Epidendrum hexadactylum, Epidendrum longovarium, Epidendrum millei, Epidendrum rantierium, Epidendrum tigrinum, Epidendrum validum

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