Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum coronatum - Crown-Like Epidendrum

Epidendrum coronatum

Common Name: Crown-Like Epidendrum

Native to: Trinidad and Nicaragua south to Venezuela and Peru. Epidendrum coronatum grows on tree branched and tree trunks and even the occasional rock outcropping in moist mountainous forests between 100 and 1500 meters in elevation.

Plant Size: Large. Epidendrum coronatum is a tall reed-stem type Epidendrum that has upright stems with many leaves.

Flower Size: 1.75 inches (4 cm)

Flower Description: The colorful flowers of Epidendrum coronatum are produced on an arching flower stem that emerges from the top of mature stems.

Bloom Season: Winter to Spring

Growing Temperature: Cool to Warm

Additional Information:  Epidendrum coronatum is an attractive and robust member of the genus that produces ample colorful flowers. Grow in pots with a coarse, high-quality orchid mix. Provide even moisture and fertilizer throughout the year.

Synonyms: Epidendrum amazonicum, Epidendrum benignum, Epidendrum compositum, Epidendrum moyobambae, Epidendrum subpatens, Epidendrum sulphuroleucum

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