Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum chloe - Chloe's Epidendrum

Epidendrum chloe

Common Name: Chloe's Epidendrum

Native to: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua. Epidendrum chloe prefers humid mountain forests and grows on moss-covered trees between 1000 and 1200 meters.

Plant Size: Medium. The leaves of Epidendrum chloe are grassy and thin

Flower Size: 0.5 inches (1.5 cm)

Flower Description: The flowers develop on a short stem that grows from the top of a recently matured cane. There are only a few flowers per growth.

Bloom Season: Late Winter to Spring

Growing Temperature: Warm

Additional Information: This species was first described to the scientific community back in 1856. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern plaques for best results. Provide warmth and humidity.

Synonyms: Epidendrum culmiforme

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