Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum carolii - Carol's Epidendrum

Epidendrum carolii

Common Name: Carol's Epidendrum

Native to: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Epidendrum carolii grows wild in the Mexican states of Jalisco and Oaxaca. Its primary habitat is moist oak forests between 500 and 1700 meters in elevation.

Plant Size: Small. The fleshy stems have two or more sword-shaped green leaves.

Flower Size: 0.5 inches (1.75 cm)

Flower Description: The small flowers are produced on a terminal flower stem that grows to 8 inches (20 cm) in height. The flowers have a faint, pleasant scent.

Bloom Season: Spring to Fall

Growing Temperature: Warm

Additional Information: Epidendrum carolii is a compact species that can be grown successfully on cork or tree fern mounts. Provide heat and humidity along with adequate air circulation for best results. The small flowers have a charm of their own.

Synonyms: None.

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