Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum blepharoclinium - Funk's Epidendrum

Epidendrum blepharoclinium

Common Name: Funk's Epidendrum

Native to: Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru. Epidendrum blepharoclinium is found growing in moist mountainous cloud forests on steep, exposed slopes. The plants grow as terrestrial orchids.

Plant Size: Medium. Epidendrum blepharoclinium has pseudobulbs with several leaves.

Flower Size: 2.5 inches (6 cm)

Flower Description: Flowers are large and conspicuous and bloom on a 24 inch (60 cm) long, erect flower spike. Each mature growth produces few to many flowers.

Bloom Season: Anytime of the year.

Growing Temperature: Warm to Cool (Adaptable)

Additional Information: This interesting species grows well in pots that have terrestrial orchid mix. Keep on the moist side but avoid over-watering. This species grows well in a Cattleya greenhouse but is adaptable to many different growing regiments.

Synonyms: Epidendrum brachycladium, Epidendrum brachycladium var. crassipes, Epidendrum crassipes, Epidendrum crassipes, Epidendrum dolabrilobum, Epidendrum funckii, Epidendrum pachypodum

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