Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum barbeyanum - Barbey-Boissier's Epidendrum

Epidendrum barbeyanum

Common Name: Barbey-Boissier's Epidendrum

Native to: Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, and Venezuela. Epidendrum barbeyanum grows on trees in seasonally dry forests between 500 and 1850 meters in elevation.

Plant Size: Small. Stems are upright and have six or seven leaves distributed along its length.

Flower Size: 2 inches (5 cm)

Flower Description: The large, colorful flowers of Epidendrum barbeyanum are attractive and quite showy. The flowers are formed on a flower stalk that develops from the top of mature stems and bears between five and ten flowers which are fragrant at night.

Bloom Season: Spring.

Growing Temperature: Warm

Additional Information: Epidendrum barbeyanum was named in honor of a Swiss orchid collector who was active in the late 1800's. This species is closely related to Epidendrum difforme but differs in flower color and lip details. Grow mounted on cork or tree fern and provide ample water and fertilizer when the plant is actively growing. Allow a drier winter rest period. Epidendrum barbeyanum is attractive and has fragrant flowers which make it highly desirable for collectors.

Synonyms: Epidendrum amparoanum, Neolehmannia barbeyana

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