Orchid Species Lists

Epidendrum anderssonii - Andersson's Epidendrum

Epidendrum anderssonii

Common Name: Andersson's Epidendrum

Native to: Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru. Epidendrum anderssonii is a terrestrial orchid species that grows in cool, moist mountain habitats between 2600 to 2700 meters in elevation.

Plant Size: Large. The plants have upright cane-like stems clothed with many leaves. The stems can develop branches.

Flower Size: Tiny. 0.5 cm

Flower Description: Flowers are produced on short flower stems at the tip of the canes. A few flowers are produced on each stem.

Bloom Season: Blooms throughout the year.

Growing Temperature: Cool

Additional Information: This species was named in honor of Mr. Andersson who is a collector of Ecuadorian orchid species.

Synonyms: Epidendrum inamoenum var. robustum

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