Orchid Species Lists

Encyclia xerophytica

Encyclia xerophytica

Common Name: Desert Encyclia

Native to: Brazil. Encyclia xerophytica is found growing in dry, desert-like habitats in the Brazilian state of Bahia where it grows on rocks. The species was discovered by A.B. Gomez Ferreira in 1972 but the exact location was never disclosed to keep collectors from decimating the population.

Plant Size: Small. Encyclia xerophytica has upright cone-shaped pseudobulbs that have three fleshy leaves that grow to 4 inches (10 cm) long.

Flower Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)

Flower Description: The flowers are olive green with brown and have a with lip with rose blotches. Flowers tower over the plants on 18 inches (50 cm) unbranched flower stem that have up to 10 flowers.

Bloom Season: Summer

Growing Temperature: Intermediate.

Additional Information: Grow this rupicolous species like rupicolous Laelias in clay pots with inorganic growing media. Allow the growing media to dry between watering. Encyclia xerophytica is unusual and attractive but may prove difficult to grow in collections. It is not widely grown.
Synonyms: None.

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