Orchid Species Lists

Encyclia remotiflora - Remote-Flowered Encyclia

Encyclia remotiflora

Common Name: Remote-Flowered Encyclia

Native to: Venezuela. It grows on trees and was first collected on the banks of the Rio Orinoco in the Amazonas region of Venezuela.

Plant Size: Small. Each small (2 cm) pseudobulb has one upright, narrow leaf that grows to 3.5 inches (8 cm). The flower stem extends above the foliage.

Flower Size: Small. 1 inch (2.5 cm) or a little larger.

Flower Description: The petals and sepals of Encyclia remotiflora are a muted gold color with washes of olive-green. The lip is white with a rose blotch and dark rose veins. Flowers are attractive and star-shaped and widely spaced on the inflorescence.

Bloom Season: Unknown.

Growing Temperature: Warm.

Additional Information: This species is very seldom seen in orchid collections. Grow at warmer temperatures or give it a warm spot in the cattleya greenhouse. Mount on cork or tree fern plaques or grow in slatted baskets with osmunda fiber for the roots.

Synonyms: Epidendrum remotiflorum

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