Orchid Species Lists

Encyclia prismatocarpa - Prismatic Seedpod Encyclia

Encyclia prismatocarpa

Common Name: Prismatic Seedpod Encyclia

Native to: Mexico. Encyclia prismatocarpa grows on large tree branches in mountain cloud forests between 1200 and 2500 meters in elevation.

Plant Size: Large. The pseudobulbs are upright, elliptical and have two or three leaves.

Flower Size: 2 inches (5 cm)

Flower Description: Flowers of Encyclia prismatocarpa are bright red or orange in color and very showy. Flowers are long-lasting. Between 6 and 35 flowers are produced on an upright flower stem that grows to 15 inches. The flowers are produced from base of new growths as they mature. Flowers are fragrant.

Bloom Season: Spring to Fall (as new growths mature)

Growing Temperature: Cool to Warm (Adaptable)

Additional Information: Grow in a pot with loose, free draining growing media. Grow under typical Cattleya conditions. Water and fertilize heavily while actively growing.

Synonyms: Epidendrum maculatum; Epidendrum prismatocarpum; Epidendrum uro-Skinneri; Prosthechea prismatocarpa; Pseudencyclia prismatocarpa

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