Orchid Species Lists

Encyclia phoenicea - Chocolate Orchid

Encyclia phoenicea

Common Name: Chocolate Orchid

Native to: Bahamas, Cuba, Cayman Island, Grand Turks and Caicos. Encyclia phoenicea grows on trees near sea level.

Plant Size: Medium. The plant is robust and has one to three long linear leaves.

Flower Size: 2 inches (5 cm)

Flower Description: Flowers of Encyclia phoenicea  have olive brown petals and sepals and a purple lip. Fragrant; the flowers smell like chocolate. Up to 25 flowers are well displayed on a 36 inch (90 cm) branched inflorescence. The flower stem emerges from a mature pseudobulb.

Bloom Season: Spring to Fall

Growing Temperature: Warm

Additional Information: Encyclia phoenicea grows well mounted on tree branches, cork bark, or grown in a pot or basket. Keep on the dry side after growth matures. Provide standard Cattleya growing conditions with more humidity and heat for best flowering. The flowers do not all open at once but rather open over an extended period of time providing for a long bloom period.

Synonyms: Epidendrum grahamii; Epidendrum phoeniceum

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