Orchid Species Lists

Encyclia microtos

Encyclia microtos

Common Name: Pointed Tip Encyclia Orchid

Native to: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil. Encyclia microtos grows in wet tropical mountain forests at nearly 600 meters in elevation.

Plant Size: Medium. Encyclia microtos has 3 inch (8 cm) tall, cylindrical pseudobulbs with two upright, narrow leaves that grow to 16 inches (40 cm) in height. The flowering stem is upright to arching and grows to 6 to 40 inches (40-100 cm) in height. A branched flower stem produces between three and five individual flowers per branched.

Flower Size: 1.25 inch (3 cm)

Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia microtos are produced on a long, arching, branched inflorescence. The lip is rather frilly and has many red veins. Petals and sepals are greenish with brown areas and lighter petal margins. The petals end in a sharp, distinctively pointed tip.

Bloom Season: Winter, Spring

Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm

Additional Information: Encyclia microtos has beautiful flowers that are well-displayed on an attractively arched flower spike. Individual plants can grow to become impressive specimens. Grow under typical Cattleya conditions. The flowers are best displayed on plants that are mounted on cork or tree fern.

Synonyms: Epidendrum microtos

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