Orchid Species Lists

Laelia superbiens

Laelia superbiens

Native to: Mexico and Central America. Laelia superbiens is found growing on trees in the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Chiapas. Some sources have also identified this species as growing in Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.

Plant Size: Large. The tall, slender pseudobulbs of Laelia superbiens have two or three long, narrow leaves.

Flower Size: Large. 5 inches (12.5 cm)

Flower Description: Usually, there are 7-12 long-lasting flowers per stem on Laelia superbiens. The flower form reminds me of a spider. The petals are crisped or ruffled. The flower color ranges from rose-pink to lavander or lilac. The petals and sepals are rather narrow. The lip is ruffled and is darker than the petals. The throat is lighter and has many attractive markings. There is a cluster of large, fragrant flowers that bloom near the end of a 1 meter inflorescence.

Bloom Season: Late Fall, Early Winter

Growing Temperature: Cool to Warm

Additional Information: Laelia superbiens has the potential to grow into a massive, attractive specimen that is sure to wow your friends when it is in bloom. For best results, grow under cool growing conditions with a great deal of air circulation. Provide a large pot with an open organic media (i.e. coarse fir bark). Easy to grow.

This species has large flowers for a Mexican Laelia. There is a white color form available (Laelia superbiens var. alba).

Synonyms: Amalia superbiens; Bletia superbiens; Cattleya superbiens; Laelia superbiens

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