Orchid Species Lists

Laelia praestans

Laelia praestans

Native to: Brazil. Laelia praestans is found growing on southeast facing mountain slopes where there is high humidity and good air circulation between 600 and 1000 meters on trees. It is found in the state of Minas Gerais.

Plant Size: Small. Laelia praestans rarely grows more than 5 inches tall. Pseudobulbs are thin and spindle-shaped. The single leaf is leathery and rounded at the tip. The flower buds are protected by the new leaf as it emerges. Usually, there are one or two flowers on each new growth on mature plants. flower stems are about 4 inches (10 cm) long.

Flower Size: 3 to 4 1/2 inches (8-10 cm)

Flower Description: The petals and sepals of Laelia praestans are broader than most others in the genus and create attractive flowers. The lip is distinctively trumpet-shaped. The typical color is a soft rose-lavender with a darker lip. There are coerulea forms, too.

Bloom Season: Fall

Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm

Additional Information: Laelia praestans is somewhat rare and seldom seen in collections. For best results, grow with a little lower light and keep moist. Grow in a cool spot in the cattleya house. This species likes higher humidity and good air circulation. Easy to grow.

Synonyms: Bletia praestans; Cattleya pumila var major; Cattleya spectabilis; Hadrolaelia praestans; Laelia praestans; Laelia pumila ssps praestans; Laelia pumila var mirabilis; Laelia pumila var praestans; Sophronitis praestans

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