Orchid Species Lists

Laelia gracilis

Laelia gracilis
Native to: Brazil. Laelia gracilis grows on rocky ledges near the Serra do Cipo in the state of Minas Gerais. Rupicolous.
Plant Size: Small.
Flower Size: Small
Flower Description: The pale yellow flowers of Laelia gracilis are star-shaped with pointed petals and sepals. Flower stems grow to 45 cm tall and have five to seven pale flowers near the tip. The lip is wavy and the same color as the petals.
Bloom Season: Spring
Growing Temperature: Intermediate to cool.
Additional Information: Laelia gracilis is not common and little is known about the species. Presumably, it can be grown like other rupicolous laelia species. Needs bright light and a drier winter rest.
Synonyms: Hoffmannseggella gracilis; Sophronitis gracilis

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