Orchid Species Lists

Laelia ghillanyi

Laelia ghillanyi

Native to: Brazil. Rupicolous. Laelia ghillanyi grows wild in the state of Minas Gerais between Serra do Cipo and Conceicao do Mato Dentro between 1500 to 1600 meters in elevation on volcanic rock outcroppings.
Plant Size: Small. The stubby pseudobulbs of Laelia ghillanyi grow 5-7 cm tall and are wider at the base. Leaves are 10 to 15 cm long and is thick and fleshy. The foliage is green with a maroon coloration near the edges of the leaves and pseudobulbs.
Flower Size: 1 1/2 inches (4 cm)
Flower Description: Flowers of Laelia ghillanyi are magenta-purple with a pale or white lip. The flower stem grows to 4 inches (10 cm) barely grows above the foliage. The flower spike bears between 1 to 4 flowers.
Bloom Season: May to July
Growing Temperature: Cool to Intermediate
Additional Information: Culture is the same as for other Brazilian rupicolous laelias. Provide bright light and good air circulation. There are albescens and alba forms of Laelia ghillanyi in existence.
Synonyms: Hoffmannseggella ghillanyi; Sophronitis ghillanyi

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