Orchid Species Lists

Laelia cinnabarina

Laelia cinnabarina

Native to: Brazil. Rupicolous. Laelia cinnabarina is found in the states of Minas Gerias, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro between the elevations of 800 to 1500 meters in the foothills.
Plant Size: Medium. The pseudobulbs of Laelia cinnabarina grow to 18 inches (45 cm) tall and cylindrical with swollen base. The base is covered in dried papery sheaths. There is one dark green, leathery, long leaf. Well-grown plants have a purple tint to the foliage when grown under ideal lighting.
Flower Size: 2 1/2 to 3 inches (6.25 cm)
Flower Description: Bright orange. open, star-shaped with narrow petals and sepals. Flower color varies from orange-yellow to bright orange. The flower stems grow to 2 feet (60 cm) long and have between 5 and 15 flowers.

Bloom Season: Spring

Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Hot. Temperature tolerant.

Additional Information: Laelia cinnabarina has been widely used as a parent in modern Cattleya hybrids because of its clear, bright color.

Provide bright light and good air circulation. Water and fertilize heavily when new growth is developing. It is best grown in an open, inorganic potting medium under bright light and at intermediate temperatures.

Synonyms: Amalia cinnabarina; Amalias cinnabarina; Bletia cinnabarina; Bletia cinnabarina var. sellowii; Bletia cinnamomea; Cattleya cinnabarina; Hoffmannseggella cinnabarina; Laelia cinnamomea; Sophronitis cinnabarina

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