Orchid Species Lists

Encyclia acuta

Encyclia acuta

Native to: Venezuela, Brazil. Encyclia acuta is found growing on trees with some protection from the son in the eastern part of the Venezuelan state of Bolivar and the Orinoco delta region. It is sometimes found in the Amazonas region of Brazil.

Plant Size: Miniature. Encyclia acuta has small, egg-shaped pseudobulbs that have two narrow leathery leaves. Mature plants with flowers can reach up to 4 inches (10 cm) in height.

Flower Size: 1-2 cm

Flower Description: The flowers of Encyclia acuta have greenish-brown petals and sepals that sometimes have brown stains. The lip is off-white to pale green and has one or more purple veins. The inflorescence emerges from a maturing growth and bears about 10 or so small flowers.

Bloom Season: Fall to Winter (June in Brazil)

Growing Temperature: Intermediate, Warm

Additional Information: The original specimen was collected near Manaus, Brazil. This species is uncommon and seldom grown. Grow mounted or in a pot with free-draining potting media. Little is known about this species and it may end up being lumped together with another species in the future. The original type specimen was destroyed so recently collected plants cannot be compared to the plant that was used to establish the species.

Synonyms: Encyclia chloroleuca, Encyclia viridiflava, Epidendrum acutum

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