Orchid Species Lists

Laelia brevicaulis

Laelia brevicaulis
Native to: Brazil.

Plant Size: Medium. Laelia brevicaulis plants have long, slender pseudobulbs that grow 6 to 9 inches (15-25 cm) tall and have narrow leaves. The plant is similar in appearance to Laelia harpophylla.

Flower Size: small

Flower Description: The flowers of Laelia brevicaulis are golden-yellow and star-shaped. The flower stem is shorter than the leaves. The lip has two prominent keels running down the center.
Bloom Season: Winter to spring (one month later than Laelia harpophylla).

Growing Temperature: Intermediate
Additional Information: Laelia brevicaulis was once classified as Laelia cowanii and Laelia harpophylla. It is possible that Laelia brevicaulis is extinct in the wild do to habitat destruction. The exact location of the species is not known and the plant was first described from cultivated specimens. Sometimes the species is referred to as the "pale yellow harpophylla". Grow this species like other rupicolous species. Use a well-drained inorganic potting media (Aliflor or Solite) and clay pots. Needs less light and little or no dormancy when compared to other rupicolous laelias.
Synonyms: Laelia cowanii

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