Orchid Species Lists

Laelia blumenscheinii

Laelia blumenscheinii

Native to: Laelia blumenscheinii is native to Brazil and is found in the state of Espirito Santo.
Plant Size: Small. The pseudobulbs of Laelia blumenscheinii grow 12 to 15 cm tall and leaves grow to 17 cm long. Leaves have a rough texture. The overall plant color is dark green with a reddish flush.
Flower Size: 1 3/4 inches (4 cm)
Flower Description: The flowers of Laelia blumenscheinii are an attractive citron yellow color with pale brown veins on the lip. The flower spike is tall, growing to 38 cm or more and has between 5 to 12 flowers clustered at the tip. Petals and sepals are pointed and slightly reflexed. An alba form of Laelia blumenscheinii has been discovered.
Bloom Season: January to February
Growing Temperature: Intermediate

Additional Information: Grow like other rupicolous laelias in an inorganic growing media in small clay pots. Provide bright light and average humidity.
Synonyms: Hoffmannseggella blumenscheinii; Hoffmannseggella cardimii; Laelia cardimii; Sophronitis blumenscheinii

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