Orchid Species Lists

Cattleya mossiae - Easter Cattleya

Cattleya mossiae

Common Name: Easter Cattleya

Native to: Venezuela. The native habitat of Cattleya mossiae is a mountain range near the coast in the northern part of the country.

Plant Size: Small to Medium. Unifoliate. The pseudobulbs of Cattleya mossiae mature in the summer and form a sheath and then rest during the winter. The flower buds fill the sheath in the spring after a dormant period.

Flower Size: 6 to 7 inches (15-17.7 cm)

Flower Description: Each flower of Cattleya mossiae stem bears 3 to 4 (sometimes more) flowers. Flower color ranges from pale to deep pink or rose-lilac. There are concolor and white forms available. The lip is very crisped and variable in color and there is always a central yellow marking that extends from the throat with pronounced violet veining.

Bloom Season: Spring (around the Easter holiday)

Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm

Additional Information: Cattleya mossiae needs a well defined rest period during the winter. Cool, bright, and airy are the ideal growing conditions. There are several varieties of this species worth growing. Cattleya mossiae var. reineckiana coerulea is a "blue" form. A semi-alba and alba forms are also available.'

Synonyms: Cattleya aliciae; Cattleya carrieri; Cattleya edithiana; Cattleya labiata var atropurpurea; Cattleya labiata var candida; Cattleya labiata var mossiae; Cattleya labiata var. picta; Cattleya labiata var picta; Cattleya labiata var reineckiana; Cattleya mossiae var. reineckiana; Cattleya mossiae var. wageneri; Cattleya reineckiana; Cattleya reineckiana; Cattleya wageneri; Cattleya wagneri; Epidendrum labiatum var. mossiae

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