Orchid Species Lists

Broughtonia sanguinea

Broughtonia sanguinea

Native to: Jamaica.

Plant Size: Small. The plants of Broughtonia sanguinea have compact, egg-shaped pseudobulbs with a couple of narrow, erect leaves. Flower spike grows to two feet (60 cm).

Flower Size: 1 to 2 inches (2.5-4 cm).

Flower Description: The rose-colored flowers of Broughtonia sanguinea have dark purple veins and a touch of yellow at the base of the throat. The flowers are borne on long, graceful, arching spikes well above the foliage. Each spike bears up to 10 flowers. The flowers are flat and the lip is broad and large in proportion to the petals and sepals. There are white, pink, red, lavender, yellow, and peach color clones available.

Bloom Season: Spring to Summer. Mature plants of Broughtonia sanguinea can have flowers almost year-round if grown with warm night temperatures.

Growing Temperature: Intermediate to Warm.

Additional Information: Provide high light (brighter than normal Cattleya conditions) for best results. Some growers position it higher up in the greenhouse or hang it from the raffters. Keep on the dry side; allow to dry out between watering. It needs high humidity and lots of fresh air. Grow Broughtonia sanguinea mounted on cork or tree fern plaques or in small clay pots. Remount every two to four years and remove all roots as close to the pseudobulb as possible. Tie firmly to the new mount and let the plants form new roots (which will happen in a few weeks). Root removal during remounting reportedly prevents old pseudobulbs from rotting.

Broughtonia sanguinea blooms when young and often will flower in a two inch pot. This species has been used in hybrids with the genus Cattleya to produce Cattleytonia hybrids. Ctna. 'Why Not' is the most famous of these and can grow into a great specimen.

WARNING: Do not use 'Malathion' or 'Dimethioate' ('Cygon 2E') insecticides on this genus. Instead, use 'Diazinon' or remove pests by hand.

Synonyms: Broughtonia coccinea; Dendrobium sanguineum; Epidendrum sanguineum; Satyrium parasiticum

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