Orchid Species Lists

Barkeria naevosa

Barkeria naevosa

Common Name: Veined Barkeria

Native to: Mexico. Barkeria naevosa has been found growing in the Mexican states of Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas along the Pacific coast. They are found growing near sea level to 1000 meters in elevation.

Plant Description: The plant has medium cylindrical, reed-like pseudobulbs with multiple horizontal leaves. The leaves of Barkeria naevosa are deciduous during the dry season (winter).

Flower Size: 1 to 1 1/4 inches (2-3 cm)

Flower Description: The flowers of Barkeria naevosa are typical in shape and size for the genus Barkeria. Barkeria naevosa produces 5 to 40 flowers on 4 to 8 inch (20-40 cm) tall flower stems. The flowers are lilac lavender to pink with a yellow lip that has red veining. The flowers are bright and quite attractive. Flowers produce a harsh, strong fragrance during the day.

Bloom Season: Winter, Spring (February to May)

Temperature: Intermediate to warm. For best results, provide night temperatures of 65 degrees F18 (degrees C) with warmer daytime temperatures up to 90 degrees F (32 degrees C). Temperatures below 15 degrees C (50 degrees F) are undesirable and detrimental to growth and flower production.

Additional Information: Barkeria naevosa requires high humidity all year. Provide lots of water and fertilizer during active growth. Reduce watering during the dormant period. Make sure the plants do receive enough water to keep the pseudobulbs from dehydrating and becoming shriveled. Provide bright light for best flowering (Medium sunlight - 63% to 73% shade 3700 to 2700 foot candles). There is a form available that has darker flowers than the typical plant.

Synonyms: Barkeria chinense ssp. naevosa; Epidendrum chinense var. naevosa; Epidendrum naevosum

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